Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] [be] just " in BNC.

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1 A few years back , when the scale of the problem that AIDS would represent was just becoming clear , a senior civil servant tried unsuccessfully to nudge the Government about the need for a policy to handle the impending crisis .
2 In particular , plankton evolution could perhaps have been stimulated by a drastic change in ocean current systems consequent upon Pangaea breakup , but the sea-level rise might have been just as significant .
3 He maintains that what we take to have been the causal circumstance might have existed as it did , and the rest of the universe might have been just as it was-and there might have been no smell .
4 The best the top performing expert could manage was just over £80 .
5 The map gives some prominence to Lincoln and also names Lindsey ( meaning either the later Lindsey or possibly the county of Lincoln ) , and the map 's patron must have been just such a well-educated man with Lincolnshire connections as Richard de Bello , who was an MA .
6 Of course the Frótha-frith could have been just an accident , a result of the Incarnation which not even virtuous pagans knew about .
7 Getting used to an all-female environment must have been just as much a shock for Eva .
8 You would think that , I think that the people in in your hospice would have been just as happy to see somebody from Eastenders and you would n't have to pay for
9 Perhaps the Prime Minister ( with his Standard Chartered schooling ) considered that a third Rothschild man at the Treasury would have been just too much .
10 Bump , bump , it went , not spectacularly , but in the unmistakable manner of a big bream , which any big bream angler will confirm is just as heart-stopping as any run from a harder fighting fish .
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