Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] her a " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the postman would bring her a strange soggy parcel , with no letter inside .
2 There she might find someone who did n't mind employing a traveller to clean out a stable or a pig-sty , or perhaps a kindly old woman might give her a crust .
3 Acting independently Tilda Swinton 's latest film role could make her a star , not just a darling of the avant-garde .
4 Well , Mrs Newton , as she is now , was fairly monosyllabic until I promised that the Daily News would send her a little present .
5 The morning would give her a different perspective on things .
6 Besides , jumping bail would make her a criminal .
7 New Year 's Eve in those early years had possessed a dull religious sheen , a pewter glimmer , which by much effort and polishing and dedication of the will could bring her a little light , a little hope , a little perseverance : but she had longed for the flames and the candles , the cut glass and the singing .
8 Such a union would cause her a certain … inconvenience , shall we say ? ’
9 If Pickles really does love you , maybe the pater would give her a decent allowance and you 'd manage somehow .
10 A brandy would do her a power of good , but she refuses .
11 Her fantasy about the 80-year-old Sir Timothy Shelley , whose death would secure her a legacy , reversing through the ageing process back to sprightly youth while everyone else cracks up around him is as funny as Byron and more good-humoured .
12 It was clearly to France 's advantage to advance her south-eastern frontier by the acquisition of Savoy and Nice , while the building of railways in the region would give her a strong economic and strategic position in northern and central Italy .
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