Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [subord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It must sometimes be the case that I bring British fish back to London , but it will probably be in better condition than if it had been bought there as foreign agents insist on good transport and packing . ’
2 On few occasions has it shown less moral scruple than when it made a deal with Brezhnev to dispose of the Soviet gold .
3 But last night he had refused even to consider what she had told him , tossing it to one side as though it did n't matter .
4 The Collector popped it into his mouth , let himself savour the sensation of it wriggling on his tongue for a moment , then crunched it with as much pleasure as if it had been a chocolate truffle .
5 … crime and folly and error can be as severely lashed , as virtue and morality can be upheld , by a series of amusing causes and effects , that entice the reader to take a medicine , which , although rendered agreeable to the palate , still produces the same internal benefit as if it had been presented to him in its crude state , in which it would either be refused or nauseated .
6 Miss Lambe helped him to unpack his books , holding each one with as much reverence as if it had been the Sacrament .
7 Yeah but he 's not really really a er at er er look cos when it comes in
8 They are generally more interested in questions of taste and convenience and price than where it comes from , ’ he says .
9 I remember that when Philip and I first made our way through London to a shop which was depicted in an advertisement , in spite of the crowds on either hand all along our route , in spite of the full directions of our elders , we were as much elated by our achievement as if it had been an arduous discovery made after a journey in a desert .
10 The news and feature material is heavily locally oriented , little in the way of national news except as it affects local area .
11 I 'd rather go in the shop and see it cos sometimes , especially if it 's got a pattern on turn out to be better than the catalogue cos when it comes , it do n't look the same , and then the same colour do you ?
12 The ideal way , way of arranging a room as I see it would be that you could have your separate rooms but have sliding doors , after all there 's nothing new in sliding doors , er , but doors opening and closing erm are restrictive , that 's only my own personal view , my wife does n't necessarily , necessarily share that view ideally if I was planning a house , the main room the main living room would be much larger than the one we live in , it would certainly be a different shape , erm when we had our golden wedding erm our visitors were so numerous that they were standing shoulder to shoulder in these two rooms and the kitchen whereas if it had been a reasonably designed house maybe we could of spread them around a little more , but they 're minor , minor defects that are not really serious .
13 I feel sure that it is a better Bill than when it started .
14 This modified technique , involving the measuring of reaction time to clicks , was used by Holmes and Forster ( 1970 ) who showed that subjects were able to detect the presence of a click more rapidly when it occurred at a major constituent boundary than when it did not .
15 Matthew Spender 's writing is at its best remembering the past as though it has just happened .
16 And yet the same claim , when promulgated by Robert Graves , then by Dr Schonfield in The Passover Plot , attracted as much scandal and incredulity as if it had never been broached before .
17 The left side of his face , in the region of the jaw articulation , looked at first sight as though it had been smashed by a blow , but Wycliffe recognised it as the wound of exit of a bullet which had probably ricochetted inside the skull .
18 ‘ Yes — from Italy , ’ Rosemary replied , and Leith could clearly hear a smile in her friend 's voice as though it had cheered her so much to hear Travis .
19 Burroughs fans discuss this incident as though it enhances the writer 's mythical status .
20 In both these situations , the buyer is assured of a return of the original price plus interest and is not taking any significantly greater risk than if it made a loan secured on the property concerned .
21 I ca n't , you ca n't , cos they wo n't let you take time off in lieu unless if it involves them having to employ somebody else to cover
22 That expenditure is well worth while if it gets across to people the facts about what their rights really are .
23 I HAVE been a patient in a Trust hospital since before it moved out of the NHS in May , and I 've witnessed what that means .
24 However , this is the party that goes on about unemployment as though it had a good record on unemployment .
25 Issi Abdul , six , clutches tightly onto his feeding bowl as though it contained liquid gold .
26 The faintly mocking tone in his voice forced her back to reality , and she snatched her hand away from his hair as though it had come into contact with burning oil .
27 Ken told the story as though it had been scripted for him for Hancock 's Half Hour .
28 His elbows were on the table edge , his heavily ringed fingers idly scratching at a thick black beard as though it aided his concentration .
29 The mine had its tunnel driven into the side of a steep bank , making the hill look as though it had a toothless mouth .
30 This makes the ground look as though it had never been disturbed .
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