Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [adj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore in the artist 's interest to avoid using fixative on a finished drawing where possible because it tends to flatten the surface of the pastels .
2 ‘ But we will amend our side if necessary as we go along .
3 She had taken after her father , Astrid said , that dogginess — always going after a stick , leaping high to please the thrower , waggingly racing back with it and repeating the action as long as it pleased .
4 ‘ They have a future as long as they can channel their aggression in the right area .
5 Mr Benton said : ‘ Read 's did seem to have a bright future as long as they could overcome short term cash difficulties .
6 A parliamentary candidate has branded a football club as sexist because she 's been barred from a men-only dinner .
7 Anyone can start giving blood as long as they are between 18 and 60 years old and in good health .
8 ‘ When you 've been a soldier as long as I have , I tell you , you can smell a parasite from the other side of a black hole !
9 anyone you allow to drive or use your car as long as your policy schedule allows this
10 anyone you allow to drive or use your car as long as your policy schedule allows this
11 anyone you allow to drive or use your car as long as your policy schedule allows this
12 anyone you allow to drive or use your car as long as your policy schedule allows this
13 Not only did this geezer Kev Knowles agree to turn out for us , he also said he would look after the programme as long as he could incorporate a number of religious tracts .
14 Garvey 's had this scheme in his mind as long as I can remember .
15 If you 've got something to say about anybody , make sure it 's good , there 's nothing wrong with gossip as long as it 's healthy in n it ?
16 The Panel will not regard an adviser as independent if he is in the same group as the financial adviser to an offeror , or if he has a significant interest in or financial connection with either an offeror or the target company of such a kind as to create a conflict of interest ( Rule 3.3 ) .
17 On the one hand it would be perfectly in order to write the biography of a poet as long as it is understood that it would be ‘ on a par with biographies of generals and inventors ’ ( Tomashevsky 1978 : 55 ) and was not mistaken for literary science .
18 Ahmed : I think that the Union should support developments towards workers organizing around issues of oppression as long as it is within a progressive ideology .
19 However , the vendor will wish to delay consultation until as near to completion as possible or he will risk affecting the morale of his workforce if completion does not take place .
20 The PA will continue , with your help , its vigorous defence of the NBA as long as it is supported by the membership , and of course remains legal .
21 But none of this really bothered me , it was all piss in the wind as long as my eldest boy was true .
22 You can add or subtract any amount from one side of an equation as long as you do the same thing to the other .
23 Try as she might , it was impossible to keep the loft as clean as she would have liked .
24 Under s47(6) they must take " such steps as are reasonably practicable " to obtain access to the child unless satisfied that they already have sufficient information ( s47(4) ) .
25 There is nothing intrinsically evil about a scientific world outlook as long as it is rooted in the life and authority of God .
26 The teachers did n't seem to care about your academic work as long as you were all right in sport .
27 Women supported the idea of compulsory leave from work as long as it was paid leave and called for the adoption of the International Labour Organisation 's Washington Convention , which provided for six weeks maternity leave before and after childbirth .
28 There 's nothing , it seems , that ca n't be turned into a salad as long as it is properly dressed .
29 However I 've been told there is no law of trespass as long as there is due consideration to private property .
30 The swords which had been clubbed or shortened into daggers for want of space to use them , now came into more orthodox play ; and the Welsh archers above on the hills were able to select their targets again without killing their own comrades , and worked with supercilious skill as long as there was light to slay by , and an Englishman still alive .
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