Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [prep] where the " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably this led to confusion as to where the centre of power and decision-making really lay and seemed to preclude the maintenance of a coherent policy .
2 As for the Lothian lands in lay possession , Thorfinn 's message explained , there certainly seemed to be some confusion as to where the frontiers lay , and to which overlord , if any , the present owners should pay service and dues .
3 So far as the B T U Tax is concerned , erm it 's really a political issue as to where the administration or the Congress in the end decide to place the tax , I mean in very simple terms the nearer you place it to the consumer , the more effective it is , but the less politically palatable it is which because consumers vote and oil companies do n't an and so er I think it will be political pressure to push it nearer to the well head which will be less good for the oil and gas producers .
4 The father came before the judge on an ex parte application designed to return the boy , A. , to the family , to protect the other three children and to preserve the status quo pending a decision by the judge as to where the children should live by making the appropriate applications for a residence order and so on .
5 But as Fairbairns points out , there has been some disagreement as to where the solutions to the subordinate position of women lie .
6 His decision in favour of Kilpatrick indicated his Lordship 's opinion as to where the wickedness lay .
7 In October 1962 the choir felt it was difficult for them to give a strong lead to the congregational singing because of where the choir was placed and it was recommended that the Trustees should take expert advice on the rearranging of the pulpit area of the church .
8 With less then a week to go before the autumn budget there 's much speculation as to where the axe and the tax will fall .
9 Governments seem not to have attempted to stimulate new ideas to guide the country to solutions , but have merely implemented outdated principles , the broad bases of which were devised 50 or 100 years ago , varying slightly with political emphasis as to where the Inland Revenue collections should fall .
10 Lord Barnett said : ’ The 1974-79 Labour Government had a difficult economic and financial task rendered impossible by pledges foolishly made without any serious thought as to where the money would come from .
11 All the members here will know that I have recently erm sent out a circular letter expressing my concern as to where the system does n't seem to be working properly and asking for your help and cooperation in giving me information on just exactly where it is falling down .
12 If you want me to identify a fish , remember that a photo , or a drawing , is usually better than a description — and it is no end of help if you give me a clue as to where the fish comes from , even if it 's only the continent .
13 They give a rough clue as to where the south is .
14 If you balance the filth of the rumours or the sly hints and obnoxious asides of people like Robert and my agent against the decent , if romantic , dignities shown in the preceding paragraph and again in the portrayal of the girl I saw earlier on this night you can surely be left in no doubt as to where the weight of the truth fall .
15 In between such examples there is considerable scope for doubt as to where the line is to be drawn .
16 Of course , farm workers were never left in any doubt as to where the power in their village lay , but on the whole class conflict was rarely overt .
17 I I asked the er the minister earlier about this question and I appreciate his difficulties being a home office minister rather than a foreign office minister and I quite understand his reluctance to er stray too far from his departmental portfolio but the reality is that the British government agreed that the European parliament should continue to meet in Strasbourg but we 've heard nothing from the minister as to where the money should come from er in order to make that commitment a reality because I 'm sure that every member opposite would say that the uncertainty about the present boundaries is not the er responsibility of the British government , that it 's a matter for the French government to sort out which boundaries er will be in place in the United Kingdom by June the ninth , the date of the European elections , but the reality is that the British government have gone along with the arrangement for having Strasbourg recognised as a er seat for the European parliament .
18 That will give you er a good idea as to where the break comes .
19 It is very easy if you like the day before literally as the minister said , the day before for them to make their change as to where the cut off point comes .
20 She finds , however , this kind of work very difficult ‘ When the parents are equally decent and competent , or the reverse , it is very difficult to make a decision as to where the children should reside on breakdown of the parents ’ marriage .
21 Further , the usual smooth convex and concave slopes allow considerable latitude in the decision as to where the back and front of the terrace are located .
22 I agree it 's important , what I have no feel for , is whether it is something which helps to make a decision as to where the new settlement might go .
23 Erm for instance if he 's asking for the child to go to live with him and you oppose that then then court would make a decision as to where the child s should live .
24 But one can still ask what part of our being it is which makes the judgement as to where the authority lies .
25 A court would have to decide that issue by reference to the intention of the parties , to sound business practice and to its own judgment as to where the risk should lie .
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