Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [pron] [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 A deed planned in cold blood may appear very different to the perpetrator if he ever gets round to carrying it out .
2 I wonder why you did n't phone your lawyer before I ever got to the front door . ’
3 ‘ We do n't face the problems we have with some experimental animals , such as heartworms in dogs , which can often ruin an experiment before it really gets underway . ’
4 Your excessively early arrival means that you can check the aforesaid dogs are not using your beautiful flower arrangements as their loo , and also run through a technical check and the autocue before anyone else gets there .
5 Well it is n't a lot , really , but I suppose it is when you 're on the gear 'cos you never get round to paying it off .
6 Janine and her mum and dad act like she never got married .
7 We were n't alone in having such ideas ; many Swedes prefer this philosophy because it also gets you away from the Germans .
8 ‘ He 's the college hero before he even gets there , ’ said Nan .
9 It 's not sales technique until he actually gets the appointment , he ca n't present anything .
10 There was no point in being a skin if you simply got nicked by the police wherever you went .
11 Everyone has their own and it 's a great shame if they never get a chance to ask them . ’
12 It has to be said that the world would be a much better place if we just got on and did things instead of waiting for other people to do them on our behalf .
13 But I ca n't make that point cos it just gets enemies and it just wo n't do , it wo n't do any good .
14 It was on the agenda and at seven o'clock the at night they eh they adjourned the meeting cos they only got half way through the agenda
15 I suppose being realistic we could clean the car out in the evening because you only got to have the door open you 've got the interior light on
16 And you may find treating the pain in the day means it 's not so bad at night so you actually get more sleep anyway .
17 You should go for a cruise if you ever get the chance .
18 Check it out on TV or video if you ever get the chance .
19 I 'll camp outside your cottage and beat on your door night and day till it finally gets into your stupid , dense head that I love you . ’
20 Put some movement into your hands and arms , roll gently over on to one side , and take another little rest before you finally get up and stretch .
21 I always thought I had a good appetite , but I remember being at a college feast once at Cambridge , where they had seven or eight courses and the elderly dons seemed to have less trouble than anyone else getting through it .
22 This is one of the reasons why we are saying to the government that they should consider what our competitor countries do , which is some form of temporary credit management ; some form of temporary credit controls to squeeze off this surge in demand before it really gets going and pushes inflation up again .
23 She was holding her breath when she finally got through to Tracey 's extension .
24 I thought I 'd gone before I came out of my house but I had a feeling when I nearly got to their school that I ought to have again .
25 Mention it to that man cos he maybe get it altered , tell her it do n't start , well , how , when does it start ?
26 But with such a wide-awake bird as the wheatear you will discover very little else about its private life unless you really get down to the job .
27 But with such a wide-awake bird as the wheatear you will discover very little else about its private life unless you really get down to the job .
28 Parents may be able to express their concern in the clinic while they just get angry and irritated at home .
29 It all took time and it was past midday before we finally got away .
30 Even though today 's colours , perms and styling products are kinder than ever before , hair is still subjected to a daily assault course and more often than not , needs a little more loving care than it actually gets .
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