Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Needing a moment 's breathing-space , she took a side-step or two away , and had a brief inner tussle where she came close to telling him that Travis was not her boyfriend , and had never been her boyfriend .
2 That is why the Department has written to the Northern region saying in effect , ’ We hope you will take account of our reservations in the next year 's allocations , either in the formula or in tempering the pace of change where you have yet to satisfy yourselves and us that the adjustment you propose is entirely reliable . ’
3 All-night parties , Nina dancing in the nude , Modi stumbling into the sketching class very drunk , the weekly visits to the Gaieté Montparnasse , a small , bawdy music-hall where they sat up in the gallery , all paint a happy-go-lucky picture .
4 The Canadians arrived little more than 36 hours before their first tie and even in a bounce game against recruits at the army camp where they trained yesterday , they found it very taxing .
5 Noguchi tried in vain to construct an earthwork sculpture at a Japanese-American internment camp where he lived voluntarily for a time during World War II .
6 I do n't know what it 's called but there 's this bit where you go down on the floor like an anteater .
7 I now find that the perms do n't take very well and I have to have it repermed and even then there is some part where it does not take .
8 Come and see the sorcerer 's kitchen where I brew up the grotesque potions that make me a legend here . ’
9 He grimaced and scratched his short , curly black hair where it stuck out from under his tartan cap .
10 The first tends to refer mainly to the military context which , while obviously important , is not what this book is about ; and the second is clearly state-centrist , and does not fully convey the scnse of hegemony where it does not directly involve the state , which I take to be crucial .
11 At last we had reached a road that led to a place called Ritjemjokk where we telephoned home and did all the civilized things in life ; like sitting on a loo seat , for a long time .
12 Basically , most moisturisers serve a simple purpose — to sit on the surface of your skin where they seal in and prevent the moisture from escaping .
13 Once through it bear slightly right and uphill to a kissing gate and a lane where you turn right .
14 But apart from that incident , it was a great show and he did the same kind of thing in Seattle , Kansas City and the sort of cities in the Mid West where they had n't heard of him — it was too early — but Tony DeFries was as good as his word .
15 She saw herself , her head a foam of lacy white like the shining tumbleweed caught in the evening light as it floats through the air , handed on to the bar stool , her little feet — her good point — showing beneath the hem of her skirt where it rode up as she adjusted herself .
16 He held an untidy bundle of towel and swimming trunks in his hand and a tennis racket lay on the back seat where he had obviously just flung it .
17 Sometimes he was even prevailed upon to stay for dinner , which was usually a casual meal with everyone grouped around Faye and the wheeled tray that was placed in front of her on the padded lounge seat where she spent so much of her time .
18 Additional criticisms , some from outside the radical perspective , have been made , but we deal with these in the next chapter where we put forward an alternative conceptual framework within which to consider the issues .
19 ACROSS 1 Give bad reviews to dumb show — he might be in this ( 9 ) 6 Old-time US lawyer and rocker ( 5 ) 9 Reversing of French vehicle went quickly ( 5 ) 10 Dynamic object contains fungus ( 9 ) 11 Main entrance where he went Up the third time ? ( 3,5 ) 12 Baldwin shortly takes on church position ( 6 ) 14 The man himself ( 7,6 ) 16 New sandpit from E. Europe used to treat shoes ( 4,3,6 ) 21 Gauges placing a thousand rows ( 6 ) 22 Seller hears another way to say in other words ( 8 ) 25 Phone round Esquire readers with article on things observed ( 9 ) 26 One lady posed as the one with tattoos ( 5 ) 27 Equipment in ship for sketches he 's appeared in ( 5 ) 28 One put her away immediately ( 9 )
20 ‘ You think I did this ? ’ she whispered hoarsely , not even conscious that Agnes Diggory rushed to Araminta 's side where she lay back in her chair , hiccuping on her choking laughter .
21 When the grassy and aromatic undergrowth of spring where she spread out her work to dry had balded and turned to dust in the summer , she hung out her clothes in the enclave at the back of her small house .
22 Fabia reached Ven 's suite and let herself in , walked across the sitting-room and into her bedroom where she sat down on the edge of the bed , and felt , for the moment , defeated .
23 This is an opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships by securing board membership from a linked company , or to begin the process of negotiation which might lead to a productive partnership where none exists thus far .
24 Jim Clark spends his working day in the store-room of Stoddards Carpets — but in his spare time , he is doing excellent work for Elderslie Boys Club where he has recently arranged a football trip to Holland .
25 The brass work was cast in the brass foundry , and from there it was sent to the brass finishing shop for machining and cleaning up , afterwards traversing the plating department where it received either venetian bronze , oxidised silver or plain brass lacquer finish , next passing to position No 3 for fixing in the carriage .
26 Nanchang CJ-6A N3104U was sold on the 18th for $ 40,000 and then the buyer re-entered the aircraft on the 19th auction where it did not sell .
27 1.11 Knowledge about language and the cross-curricular themes specifically referred to us are incorporated in those attainments targets and programmes of study where they fit most naturally .
28 He led her into his study where she had never yet been .
29 We all loaded into the Volvo and went down to Shellerton Manor where everyone trooped in to see Harry .
30 It was too hot on the roof so she got up and slithered down the ivy into the dark , damp place at the side of the boathouse and went indoors .
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