Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] that she have " in BNC.

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1 Is the little dark-eyed doe implying that she has n't been haunted , since the moment of their first encounter , with images of our fascinating , leather-jacketed heroine ?
2 And Anjelica Huston returned to her own home saying that she had been humiliated for the very last time .
3 Under present law , whether a man administers a threat or not , he can be liable for rape if he has sexual intercourse with a woman knowing that she has submitted out of fear .
4 On May 23 she issued a statement announcing that she had declined to accept the party presidency .
5 ‘ The first time she went out in it she came back into the house giggling that she 'd driven through town with the top down , even though it was freezing .
6 She was clearly terrified of her family discovering that she had written to me .
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