Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You always leave your hair hanging down like a hippy too , ’ he continued .
2 His wife lay there so limp , so insubstantial , her black hair hanging down like the tail of a whipped animal and one white hand clutching his sleeve as though it were her only hold on life .
3 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
4 his great jaw hanging down like an open hatch .
5 My eyes shut , I could see that napkin fluttering down through the mushroom cloud .
6 You can now stand the garter bar upright in the needle groove of your ribber , with the knitting hanging down between the ribber and the knitter .
7 A roadside gate opposite admits to a field sloping down to the river ( no path ; no right of way so seek permission to visit ) where , in a wild and impressive setting , the Dee , here flowing in a deep ravine , leaps in a waterfall into a deep pool beneath a high canopy of trees .
8 By 1737 he had begun to acquire over 200 acres of what was regarded as desolate heath-land sloping down to the River Mole near Cobham in Surrey , and he turned it into an ornamental park , Painshill Park .
9 The home selectors have been shuffling their resources in recent matches and they take this opportunity to have a look at some members on the fringe of inclusion for Italy with one or two experienced players , such as flanker Martin Pepper stepping down to the replacements ' bench .
10 There was , as far as he could see , nothing that need be identified or admired or paused over : just bare grey rock sheering down to a narrow track which was used for the most part by packhorses and even then not often .
11 But just before this happens , while the taste of melancholy on his tongue is strong enough to set off the sweetness of the place , and of his freedom to enjoy it , but not yet strong enough to overpower it , he sees the woman who is gazing at him from the balustrade of a terrace looking down on the street .
12 The night before they move Howard sits on the terrace looking down upon the city for the last time .
13 We were in a car looking down over the Bay and I said I 've got to go out .
14 But sitting up in the bedroom looking down towards the river , she was asking herself more often of late whether meat and clothing were all there was to life .
15 Carrie looked at him and saw his mouth turning down at the corners .
16 She felt as if she were sinking deeper and deeper in her own panic , her whole consciousness going down into a quicksand while her body stood there , stupid with fear .
17 Or what we could do , well , what I mean is , maybe would n't do any harm going down to the pub tonight to see if the others are there , only a quick drink mind , we ca n't be sure what they 're like yet — ’
18 Then , he had become aware of a gout of light pouring down through the trees , and an ache of green against his eyes .
19 They looked large against the light pouring down over the flat land .
20 P.U.M.P. : ‘ Barabajagal ( Love Is Hot ) ’ ( Ultimate ) out of the ashes of the Junior Manson Slags arrives Aqua Marina , with her Purple Under Melted Pink getting down on the dancefloor with a hot and sultry Donovan song .
21 By then it was blowing a full gale from the west , the wind slamming down off the mountains with katabatic blasts that hammered the luminous white of the water with such fury that it splayed out like shot , a reminder that the heights west of the port were almost six hundred metres high , the first ski-run only eight kilometres away by car .
22 They closed on the knife blade , twisted it out of the man 's hand , and then he was using the whole false arm as a metal club slamming down on the upraised arms , jabbing for the face , forcing the man back step by step until the edge of the track was only one more step away .
23 He stood silent beside the sofa , the black disc of the revolver trained on her , his face half in shadow from the harsh light shining down from the ceiling .
24 Edmund Mortimer , with blood running down inside the plates of his armour , heaved his mount out of the mire and up to firm ground , and wheeled to take his first brief survey of the field , and locate the main body of the Welsh cavalry , for only in hand-to-hand combat with them was there any respite from the steady and murderous attentions of the bowmen above .
25 It 's just to keep it tidy for me and your mummy coming down in the morning son .
26 Every brook coming down from the heights was swollen into a torrent , every valley river gulped these tributaries into its heart , and burst out over the narrow meadows into languid shallows , while in the centre it rushed ahead with treacherous force .
27 He rang off , and it was only minutes before they heard the chug of the engine of his jeep coming down from the hills in the still of the morning .
28 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
29 These show dotted outlines below the major structures at the top of the incline extending down to the original ground .
30 Between the two lay the formidable barrier of the River Spey , which , as late as 17 March , was said to be ‘ so swelled with snow melting down from the hills that it will not be fordable without going a great way up the country ’ .
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