Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] when he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1893 he extended his theatrical pursuits well beyond dance arranging when he became producer of the summer season show at the Palace Theatre , Isle of Man .
2 A keen all-round sportsman , he graduated from cycle and motor-car racing when he began to feel his age and then to speedboat racing .
3 — ROBERT Wright will bank on keeping the adrenalin flowing when he bids for a Commonwealth welterweight title upset at London 's Grosvenor House Hotel tomorrow .
4 Derek Polson , a CCG storeman at KG Ethylene Offsite stores , showed he knows all there is to know about fork lift driving when he scored a perfect 100 per cent in his driving test — the first time a driver has achieved the maximum score at Hargreaves Training in Glasgow .
5 He had not paid enough attention to Anna , he had not even seen the girl , and yet she was the only one to benefit obviously and directly from her father dying when he did .
6 He did n't open the cupboard door till he heard Ivan 's voice calling when he came in .
7 What do you mean by us being set in our ways ? ’ he asked , the tone of his voice changing when he put the question .
8 Sir James Reckitt did some amateur excavating when he lived at the manor and some stones , which could have formed church windows , can still be seen in the gardens of houses since built on the site .
9 Mr Nicos , the manager of the Kamara , will be welcoming Club guests for the sixth summer running when he opens his doors in Summer '90 and once again he is looking forward to dealing exclusively with us .
10 Ah thought oor Damian was gonny burst a gut laughin' when he cam back fae the school and tellt us whit Miss Mackenzie had had tae pit in the register , the day the incomers signed on .
11 His prey surviving when he had n't ?
12 Yet the reality has been so , so different , with the latest low occurring when he damaged medial knee ligaments while playing in a reserve match last Thursday .
13 Fran must have made some noise , some movement , some tiny betraying gesture , because he swung round , his face hardening when he saw her in the doorway .
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