Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She 's had a blood leakage into the vitreous humour , ’ Belinda explained unnecessarily , her heart thudding at the sight of him .
2 Also during this year Captain H.M. Williams was selected to command the 1 st Bucks team of sixty men , to compete for a prize offered by Lord Wantage for field firing at the Home Counties Brigade Camp at Churn , and of this team ( which won the competition ) thirty-two were Wolverton men .
3 In the church where I was converted , the service began with a muffled announcement from the back , followed by a lengthy hymn during which thirty men and women in long blue dresses , white nightshirts and yellowing ruffs walked up and down the various corridors in the building singing at the top of their voices .
4 Later that day , after many interviews with ladies who looked as if they 'd come straight from an enthralling hour knitting at the foot of the guillotine , we found our garret .
5 The embroidery , a pattern of golden lily-flowers dotted here and there , each one at a fair distance from the other , would be confined to the shoulder band and to a broad sash fastening at the back in as large a bow as Miss Dallam would tolerate , its ends falling to the hem of her skirt .
6 That just depicts the same structure in terms of constituents and sub-constituents , so the whole thing is a sentence which in the bracketing notation just has the sentence with its bracket and the other bracket 's way down the other end , and this is mirrored by the label sentence occurring at the top of the tree , it means it covers everything below it roughly .
7 He was a powerfully built man , over six feet tall with sleek black hair greying at the temples .
8 He was tall and thin , a leggy lightweight in a dark-grey suit , with a pleasant , long , cleanshaven face , and short hair greying at the temples and receding slightly from a weathered brown forehead .
9 an Aux(iliary) Input ( also a stereo 3.5 mm socket ) connects a cassette player to the GX-7 , the guitar output is mixed in and can be heard via a pair of Walkman headphones connected to the Out , the guitar appearing at the centre of the stereo image .
10 She was about to do the same with the contents of another file when something made her pause , hair prickling at the back of her head .
11 Theda stepped smartly back , away from her , distress catching at the breath in her throat .
12 The post office has a very interesting sign in the shape of a black and white pig hanging at the entrance .
13 It begins with Thom gazing at the object of his fixation , flattering her with couplets like , ‘ You 're just like an angel/Your skin makes me cry . ’
14 Allan Ramsay 's engaging portrait of Sir Edward and Lady Turner ( lot 21 , unpublished est. £250,000–350,000 ) , fresh from exhibition at the National Portrait Galleries of Edinburgh and London and sent to auction by the sitters ' descendants , fetched the morning 's top price , as expected , when it sold for £500,000 , an auction record for his work , to an agent bidding at the back of the room on behalf of a private collector against keen competition from David Posnett of Leger , who was the purchaser of a conversation piece by Nathaniel Hone ( lot 26 , est. £40,000–60,000 ) for £36,000 .
15 ‘ That 's obscene , ’ Ace growled , the hairs on the back of her neck prickling at the thought that a mother could do that .
16 There 's a stranger knocking at the window again Mrs .
17 She replaced the receiver and joined Stephen , who was sitting on the terrace looking at the sea .
18 There was the afternoon when he drove out to the Crumbles and they slept for three hours , the wind pushing at the side of the car like a crowd .
19 And one study looking at the experiences of black teenage mothers found that although they had begun using contraceptives as much as white girls , some had been persuaded by their boyfriends to stop using them .
20 One study looking at the protection provided by the two drugs against histamine induced bronchoconstriction suggested a more than fourfold difference in potency .
21 Brenton , in a study looking at the feasibility of the voluntary sector replacing the statutory sector to some degree in the provision of personal services , concludes :
22 What is valuable is to see that here is a critic writing at the top of his bent .
23 There was a longer gash on her right elbow and a bruise forming at the top of her arm .
24 He saw the pig 's bladder lying at the boy 's feet , very similar to the one he had seen two children playing with on Holborn thoroughfare .
25 Automatically she prepared to go to bed , her mind worrying at the puzzle like a terrier .
26 Well , it 'll be nice if you get a club going at the youth club , because they wo n't use it in the morning
27 Or try the heart-in-mouth sensation when you 're strolling with your lover at some secret rendezvous and you suddenly see a neighbour across the street or your husband 's car waiting at the lights .
28 ‘ You should have let me know you were coming earlier , I 'd have had a car waiting at the airport for you . ’
29 EO will first release the Personal Communicators in an extensive beta test programme beginning at the end of the year .
30 Six Broadstairs matrons attempting to shop at Marchesi 's the confectioners , two errand boys buying bloaters from Mr Goodman the fishmonger , a few afternoon revellers strolling out from the Dolphin Inn and an eager group from the Tourist Cycling Club staying at the Balmoral Bijou Hotel found themselves swept along with the crowd as they pursued their leaders down Harbour Street under the ancient York Gate ( which being without specific Dickensian associations hardly received a glance ) .
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