Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [det] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Whitton Wood Designs will build any style of kitchen using any wood you choose .
2 The second point er chairman is that one particular solution adopted by a couple of County Councils the one in particular has been to have a local act requiring registration of car boot sales which gives enforcement officers a chance to know they 're going to happen and it also requires display of names and addresses not suggesting it is not entirely suggest that is here but late last night we simply felt we want to talk about the possibility of a framework enabling this legislation which will allow that to happen on national basis oh , as a way of controlling this , this sort of activity .
3 Likewise , a command enjoining some action which was logically impossible , or which had already been carried out , or a lie that through ignorance on the part of the perpetrator turned out to be objectively true , can both be considered defective through the lack of a canonical trait .
4 Unknown to them , she had been one of Tiller 's favourite leading ladies around 1906 , but when the work offers stopped she faced the same bleak future confronting all dancers who feel too old to dance .
5 The others are a bit sprawling those blackbirds I think .
6 Proofread your work correcting any errors you find
7 We will insure you for all sums which you may have to pay for death of , or injury to , other people or damage to their property , as a result of any accident involving any vehicle which your certificate of motor insurance4 allows you to drive or use .
8 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
9 We will insure you for all sums which you may have to pay for death of , or injury to , other people or damage to their property , as a result of any8 accident involving any vehicle which your certificate of motor insurance allows you to drive or use .
10 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
11 We will insure you for all sums which you may have to pay for death of , or injury to , other people or damage to their property , as a result of any accident involving any vehicle which your certificate of motor insurance allows you to drive or use .
12 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
13 We will insure you for all sums which you may have to pay for death of , or injury to , other people or damage to their property , as a result of any accident involving any vehicle which your certificate of motor insurance allows you to drive or use .
14 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
15 ‘ I was up till three ack emma memorizing those files you gave me .
16 Think of the dramatic change facing these people who have been completely shielded from economic forces .
17 The social position that a person occupies we call a status and the behaviour that we expect from a person occupying that position we call a role .
18 It must therefore be stated in reply to the first part of the second question that the term ‘ matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict ’ within the meaning of article 5(3) of the Convention must be regarded as an independent concept covering all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
19 Relevant previous circulars are cancelled , and local authorities were ‘ now asked to pick out for priority handling those applications which in their judgement will contribute most to national and local economic activity ’ .
20 Spanish , Portuguese , Arabic and Japanese are the most useful languages , Sir Alfred says , because they ‘ have a wide catchment area containing many decision-makers who may not have a command of English ’ .
21 The men ran round the church seizing any lamp they could find .
22 Just as it is almost impossible to apply what is now called the ‘ Japanese ’ system of management to other parts of the world , because of the differences of culture and background of the people who are working in industry , so it is equally unlikely that the particular , precise ways that I have found so useful will have the same application to others ; Nevertheless , since I have spent so much of my life developing these ideas it may be that some of my experience will hit a chord of recognition or cause others to reflect or contemplate .
23 We had a choir visiting another Home which we arranged , with food and a little buffet , a nice singsong , etc .
24 Meanwhile , the PLO Executive Committee met in Tunis on June 8-9 and issued a statement rejecting any compromise which would exclude the city of Jerusalem from Middle East peace negotiations .
25 By their combination they prevent the master employing any journeymen they do not approve of , who as they say is not a fair man ; and all journeymen must ask the constable of the shop , for the time being , ( an officer appointed by the combination ) for work before they ask the master .
26 She had innate sense of good movement and was searching for a system embodying those principles which fulfilled her concept of the art of movement and teaching its technique .
27 This year , there has been another problem affecting some people who applied through UCCA or PCAS ; it seems there was a fault with the new UCCA equipment which is used to process all applications through the central systems .
28 Landowners pursue ‘ modern Whims ’ across a landscape exposing those places which had formerly given comfort to ‘ the hapless swain' .
29 Such personations may operate at several levels , so that the speaker may create a persona for another individual who is talked about , while at the same time animating several personas which represent him or her self .
30 Since all the speculators , mainly companies , have left the market and real collectors are waiting to buy until the market bottoms out , galleries in the Ginza are having a difficult time selling any painting which costs more than $80,000 .
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