Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [coord] [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 I was told there was an acting scholarship going and I was broke so I took an audition and by a marvellous chance , won the scholarship .
2 And we did n't know we could see her and we were looking out the window going and he was there looking , put his sunglasses on to see .
3 ‘ I was terribly upset about my husband dying and I was n't 100 per cent .
4 But then you got three or four hundred a day coming and it was a little over-crowded .
5 If they were going along trying to open shop doors , they could go in as a suspected person loitering but it was n't looked upon very favourably by the courts .
6 ‘ Just what 're you getting at , young Angel ? ’ he asked , narrowing his eyes the same way he did when he had a cigarette going and he was looking in a petrol tank .
7 ‘ Immediately after the crash I could n't feel the baby moving and he was normally a quite active baby , ’ she said .
8 ‘ Immediately after the crash I could n't feel the baby moving and he was normally a quite active baby . ’
9 A police spokesman said last night that Mr Kelsey 's condition was not life threatening and he was likely to be discharged from hospital today .
10 An attempt to burn down a warehouse at Stockport was followed by rumours of secret gatherings , armings and oath taking and there was certainly talk of a general rising .
11 Jack 's hobby was model making and he was currently engaged in a vast and ambitious project .
12 This method is called density slicing and it was the technique used in the generation of the colour image shown on the front cover of this book .
13 Probably dead , you know and his nappy stinking and he was blowing it !
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