Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [pron] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into the computer enabling them to be further processed without the necessity of reproducing the original .
2 People born since the 1890s have been unnaturally large because they have eaten too much protein believing it to be essential for growth , says survey author Geoffrey Cannon in New Woman magazine .
3 But one day in 1977 a rather special envelope arrived , bearing an engraved card inviting me to be a guest of honour at the Women of the Year lunch at the Savoy Hotel in London .
4 Instead , he had a blue card telling him to be at the hospital for his first appointment with a National Health psychotherapist , a photograph of a fair-haired woman with green eyes , a driving licence , a library ticket , a yellowed old newspaper cutting about a forgotten murder , and a much fresher , more succinct bit of print torn from last Sunday 's newspaper .
5 Pinned above Beth 's bed , next to the card proclaiming her to be a spiritualist , was a photograph of a male dancer from the newly formed Royal Ballet , and I came in one day soon after I arrived at Huntingdon to find a knot of giggling girls peering up at this dancer , who was poised on one foot , wearing an agonised expression and very tight tights .
6 The two-seater training planes — to go into service from 1994 — have night vision equipment allowing them to be used on a battle frontline .
7 1815 " The Meeting concieving it to be highly usefull that the Road from Portaskaig should be rendered complete , do willingly Stent themselves in the sum here stated . "
8 Once champion , he relinquished his name believing it to be a relic of slavery and announced his allegiance to the Nation of Islam , the segregationist sect popularly known as the ‘ Black Muslims ’ ( see Lincoln , 1961 ; Essien-Udom , 1962 ) .
9 A mix of ‘ live ’ performances , the ubiquitous rent-a-crowd dancers and this week Norman Cook explains how police recently raided his bar-b-q believing it to be an illegal rave .
10 A mix of ‘ live ’ performances , the ubiquitous rent-a-crowd dancers and this week Norman Cook explains how police recently raided his bar-b-q believing it to be an illegal rave .
11 The demand must be dated and signed by the creditor himself or by a person stating himself to be authorised to make the demand on the creditor 's behalf .
12 Every so often , and it 's not often enough , we at Guitarist Mansions get a review guitar through the post which is well-built , reasonably priced , nicely styled and which does what it says it does , with no design gimmickry , cheap glitter or high-falutin' bumph claiming it to be a ‘ sound revolution ’ , or some equally laughable piece of flannel .
13 It is Milton 's portrayal of the devil which is magnificent , not the devil himself , but the author is careful enough to place Satan 's admirable qualities within the text as a whole showing them to be put to evil use .
14 You will note in the Appendix that there is still a figure of 1,706 properties to be banded together with 3,618 which either have an indicator showing them to be metered supply or with no connection to the public water supply .
15 They will build special buses with a pneumatic suspension allowing them to be lowered to the ground for the easy loading of wheelchairs .
16 One strategy is to take a statement from them and tender it under the Civil Evidence Act to see if the other side serve a counter notice requiring them to be called .
17 Thus , for example , a provision declaring signed accounts to be binding will not apply in the event that a partner is induced to sign a false account believing it to be true .
18 when the period ( if any ) fixed for the duration of the company by the articles expires , or the event ( if any ) occurs , on the occurrence of which the articles provide that the company is to be dissolved , and the company in general meeting has passed a resolution requiring it to be wound up voluntarily ;
19 Again Heston held a good deal of creative control over the enterprise , and made his point to Caulfield by writing him a firm letter telling him to be on time or else .
20 In these circumstances , as we were agreed that we had power to do so , we made an emergency order enabling her to be taken to and treated at a specialist hospital in London , notwithstanding the lack of consent on her part .
21 Each purchaser was given a document stating him to be the owner of the quantity he had purchased of the wine in question .
22 for an order declaring it to be a recognised S.R.O .
23 I remember my mother wanting me to be a personal assistant to a managing director .
24 Our society goes round all the time expecting everybody to be fine , to be happy , to be cheerful , you know !
25 Is my hon. Friend worried — as I am — that the Bill will perhaps not get through to the next stage given the fact that this morning the Northern Region Councils Association — a Labour-dominated body — wrote to every Member of Parliament in the northern region asking them to be present for this important debate ?
26 Your job , however , is to mend any plausible cracks you observe — to do a better survey , measuring and controlling important new variables — not to walk away from the edifice declaring it to be a hazard .
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