Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [conj] there was " in BNC.

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1 There is no point denying that there was a ‘ free fight ’ in Bean Street between the Powers ' and Jenkins ' families , with men rolling on the ground .
2 but erm I do n't actually think that there was revolution in process going if there was , if you know , a hu a huge increase in
3 ‘ I was on night fire-watching when there was a terrific explosion which wrecked part of the railway line between the factory and the steelworks , ’ recounted Bill , who is now nearly 90 .
4 Er we do have interviews with the number of members who had exited the compound indicating that there was er inf er erm m petroleum type products that were being spread around the compound .
5 In reply to the enquiry asking if there was any order , draft order or scheme for the construction of a new trunk road or special road or any proposals for the alteration or improvement of an existing road involving the construction , whether or not within existing highway limits within 200 metres of the property or construction of a new road or alteration or improvement of an existing road the Council stated no but the County Council intend to improve the Dane Street/Station Road within the next 10 years .
6 An attempt to burn down a warehouse at Stockport was followed by rumours of secret gatherings , armings and oath taking and there was certainly talk of a general rising .
7 At the same time Gascoigne 's military adviser , Brigadier A. K. Ferguson , submitted a report revealing that there was divergence between different sections of GHQ as to the treatment of Japan .
8 By a notice of appeal dated 20 May 1992 the health authority appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the court had no jurisdiction to grant a mandatory injunction requiring a health authority to cause specified medical treatment to be given , alternatively , no jurisdiction to order it to cause such treatment to be given against the professional judgment of its servants or agents ; ( 2 ) the judge had erred in holding that he was not bound by the decision in In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 to hold that there was no such jurisdiction ; ( 3 ) there had been no material before the court to justify the judge granting a mandatory interlocutory injunction since ( a ) there was no evidence that the health authority owed J. any enforceable duty to provide the ordered treatment , or that such treatment would be in his best interests ; ( b ) there was uncontradicted evidence before the court that the treatment ordered would be painful and ineffective to give J. a prospect of long term survival and ( c ) there was no material establishing that there was a reasonable or any prospect of a final order being granted in the terms of the interlocutory order ; ( 4 ) if the court had jurisdiction to make the order the judge erred in the exercise of his discretion in that ( a ) he had failed to give sufficient weight to the uncontradicted medical evidence or to the undesirability of seeking to force a doctor to act against his professional judgment and/or requiring the employer of the doctor to do so , ( b ) he had failed to consider that the order was capable of interfering with the health authority 's duty to care for other patients , and ( c ) by its terms the order was too imprecise to enable the health authority to be able to ascertain how it should be complied with .
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