Example sentences of "[noun sg] [num] and [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Steps are being considered worldwide to curb CO 2 and CFC emissions , but the hope of reducing the greenhouse effect seems fairly forlorn .
2 The difference between the 13 C of atmospheric CO 2 and leaf carbon of maize ( and certain other C4 species ) is conservative across environments and did not vary significantly with [ CO 2 ] ( B.D.M. et al. , manuscript in preparation ) , enabling us to use the 13 C of C4 leaves as a proxy for the 13 C of chamber air .
3 There was no significant correlation between arterial P co 2 and alcohol consumption ( r <0.14 ) .
4 Sodium and potassium concentrations were analysed with flame photometry ( Instrument Laboratories 943 ) , chloride concentration by Chemlab CCMI chloride meter , bicarbonate concentration by Corning CO 2 and glucose concentration by Beckman Glucose Analyser 2 .
5 At Siggraph ‘ 92 in Chicago ( July 26–30 ) , Hewlett-Packard Co will unveil new three-dimensional client/server graphics programming tools based on the PEX 5.1 and PEXlib graphics extensions to X-Windows for use on its workstations .
6 16 Squadron , operating Alouette III and Puma helicopters were the last residents .
7 Later , in Chapter 7 and Appendix B , the theorem will be presented in tensor form .
8 Black Lion shared six goals with Travellers Rest , Warwick United hammered Brown Horse 6-1 and Lionel Robinson drew 2-2 with Rake Hall .
9 ‘ The four As , sometimes they just put figure 4 and capital A. It stands for Action Against Animal Abuse . ’
10 The chip is expected to wend its way into HP 's Unix-based Snake workstations next month with the introduction of the Coral II and King Cobra II ( UX No 397 ) .
11 OCEAN COLOUR SCENE undertake their first headlining UK tour , starting at Windsor Psykik Dancehall on November 8 then Portsmouth Ritzy 's 15 , Canterbury Kent University 16 , London Ladbroke Grove Subterania 17 , Glasgow King Tut 's Wah Wah Hut 22 , Edinburgh Venue 23 , Newcastle University 24 , Manchester Polytechnic 27 , Birmingham Burberries 27 , Wolverhampton Polytechnic 28 , St. Helen 's Citadel 29 , Norwich Waterfront 30 , Leeds Warehouse December 3 , London Ladbroke Grove Subterania 4 , Sheffield Leadmill 5 , Bristol University 7 and Bedford Esquires 8 .
12 OCEAN COLOUR SCENE undertake their first headlining UK tour , starting at Windsor Psykik Dancehall on November 8 then Portsmouth Ritzy 's 15 , Canterbury Kent University 16 , London Ladbroke Grove Subterania 17 , Glasgow King Tut 's Wah Wah Hut 22 , Edinburgh Venue 23 , Newcastle University 24 , Manchester Polytechnic 27 , Birmingham Burberries 27 , Wolverhampton Polytechnic 28 , St. Helen 's Citadel 29 , Norwich Waterfront 30 , Leeds Warehouse December 3 , London Ladbroke Grove Subterania 4 , Sheffield Leadmill 5 , Bristol University 7 and Bedford Esquires 8 .
13 In the first instance , IXI has taken HP 's drag and drop operation specifications and will incorporate them in its Motif 1.2 and X.desktop products .
14 The Inland Revenue has now clarified the position ( Statement of Practice SP6/90 dated 27 April 1990 ) : ( i ) this section does not affect conveyances or transfers which fall within s83 of the Finance Act 1985 and Category H above ; ( ii ) if on a conveyance or transfer of property subject to a debt ( not within the provisions of s83 ) the transferee covenants ( either in the instrument or separately ) to pay the debt or indemnify the transferor in respect thereof such covenant constitutes valuable consideration and establishes the transaction as a sale for stamp duty purposes .
15 Serum IGFBP-1 and insulin concentrations were measured by RIA as previously described .
16 There were no significant differences between the median serum IGFBP-1 and insulin concentrations in well grown compared with stunted patients .
17 Eventually , a statutory right to disclaim was created by the Peerage Act 1963 and Tony Benn , as he later became , was enabled to pursue his political career .
18 To discriminate on the grounds of sex or race , either directly or indirectly , in relation to the admission of a pupil or group of pupils to a school is unlawful under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and Race Relations Act 1976 .
19 The referral of a set of questions under Article 177 EEC by the House of Lords in Webb v EMO Air Cargo ( UK ) Ltd raises the issue of the ambit of anti-discrimination law in relation to pregnant women under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and Council Directive 76/207/EEC and also the scope of the protections offered under Council Directive 92185/ EEC ( OJ L 348/1 ) which gives improved rights to pregnant and breast-feeding women in the United Kingdom .
20 1.65 By s50 of the County Courts Act 1984 and CCR Ord 13 , r12 , the County Court has power to order interim payments in cases where the plaintiff claims more than £500 .
21 Common Law , Vagrancy Act 1824 and Town Police Clauses Act 1847
22 The $3,000 package is currently shipping on Sun 4 and Sparc machines running SunOS 4.1 and RS/6000s with AIX 3.2 .
23 Although the government has ruled out legislation , many organisations are calling for an age discrimination act similar to the existing Race Relations Act 1976 and Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986 .
24 It can also differentiate between similar characters such as the digit 0 and letter O. It is available in English , French , German , Spanish and Italian .
25 The Catalogue will , therefore , contain module descriptors , some of which will have identifier first digit 6 and others identifier first digit 7 .
26 Most attention has been focused on the ionotropic receptors ( like NMDA and kainic acid receptors ) , but it is clear that metabotropic receptors operating through the InsP 3 and DAG messenger systems have a profound effect on neural behaviour , including memory .
27 The Diary of Samuel Pepys , 11 vols. , 1970–83 ; Acts of the Privy Council , Colonial Series ; Calendars of State Papers Colonial ; Calendars of Treasury Books ; J. B. Beaven , Aldermen of London , 2 vols. , 1908 ; British Library , Additional MS 11411 and MS Egerton 2345 . ]
28 Under present law , there is a general rule that references to Parliamentary material as an aid to statutory construction is not permissible ( ‘ the exclusionary rule ’ ) : Davis v. Johnson [ 1979 ] A.C. 264 and Hadmor Productions Ltd v. Hamilton [ 1983 ] 1 A.C. 191 .
29 British Rail is to cut 5,000 jobs , Blue Circle 550 , Barclays Bank 3,000 , Royal Ordnance 1,300 and IBM UK 1,000 .
30 This rule has now been relaxed so as to permit reports of commissioners , including law commissioners , and white papers to be looked at for the purpose solely of ascertaining the mischief which the statute is intended to cure but not for the purpose of discovering the meaning of the words used by Parliament to effect such cure : Eastman Photographic Materials Co . Ltd. v. Comptroller-General of Patents , Designs and Trademarks [ 1898 ] A.C. 571 and Assam Railways and Trading Co . Ltd. v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue [ 1935 ] A.C. 445 , 457–458 .
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