Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [be] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the value of gloves and other barriers to direct contact with potentially infected body fluids should not be underestimated , since unapparent inoculation through non-intact skin may be a source of infection in some settings .
2 A contract may be a contract , but Branson was now coming round to the belated realisation that a suitable gesture to Oldfield much earlier on in his career — increasing his royalty rate after Tubular Bells , for example — could have prevented all this ugliness .
3 The high result for the Estate Agents ' text may be a reflection the commonality between Estate Agents ' literature and other genres contained in the LOB Corpus .
4 The gates would have been locked , and the porter may be a drunkard but he has his orders . ’
5 This particular heritage may be a millstone around the neck of scientific natural history .
6 Sheep dipping in the UK is no longer to be compulsory , in the light of evidence that the organophosphorous pesticides used in the annual dip may be a health hazard .
7 Although this relationship is complex , mortality reduction may be a prerequisite to a decline in fertility . "
8 If , in Nabokov 's assertion , a writer may be a storyteller , a teacher , or an enchanter , and a great writer all three — Dr Johnson , even in this academic territory , long rendered prosaic and often inaccessible by other writers , was already a great writer at the age of thirty-five .
9 The brilliant epaulettes of the male red-winged blackbird may be a help in attracting a large number of females to his territory .
10 The latter finding may be a matter of sampling error , since a number of the 14 surveys reported relatively few women in those categories .
11 The system stored the form any letter may take within the sample , and indicated all the different letters of which a segment of any description may be a part .
12 The greatest danger to the West may be a USSR militarily strong and politically on the defensive : ‘ politics ’ , as Lenin said , ‘ is the reason , war only the tool ’ .
13 ‘ Our experience should be a warning to all couples thinking of doing what we did .
14 Again , the feeding should be a variety of meat based foods as for the African spotted cats .
15 Regular — and open — reviews of how we are meeting the challenge of want should be a feature of modern government .
16 How far external evaluation of this kind is introduced into a course must be a matter of judgement .
17 These arguments suggested that the starting point for criminology should be a consideration of how the legal rules that define crimes come about and whose interests they serve .
18 His special theory of relativity predicted that mass should be a function of velocity and that mass and energy could be transformed into one another , and his general theory predicted that light rays should be bent by strong gravitational fields .
19 The local area , of course should be a springboard not a straitjacket , and pupils need to be encouraged to move out from their locality to see it in a wider context , to compare it with other places , and above all , whatever period is under study , to begin to understand why the changes they have documented took place .
20 The first part must be a Type of up to 24 printable characters , including spaces .
21 The first part must be a Type of up to 24 printable characters , including spaces .
22 But the main area of controversy is whether simply obtaining unauthorised access to a computer should be a crime .
23 literature should be a means of larger experience — a conning tower or an upper chamber with a view beyond bounds of class , locality , time or country …
24 He recommended that his successor should be a major-general with fighting experience and not a diplomat .
25 So any word list for teaching must be a compromise .
26 The Institute , along with several other respondents , suggested that the OFR should be a Stock Exchange requirement the Scottish Institute made the same suggestion , but advised a five-year trial first .
27 The Wooler decision must be a blow to EASE , which sold 60,372 cattle , up six per cent , through eight auction companies , three in Scotland , five in England , last year .
28 A creditor 's petition must be in respect of a debt owed by the debtor , and the petitioning creditor must be a person to whom the debt is owed ( s 267(1) ) .
29 Whether in any particular case the person who exerts the undue influence is the agent ( in this sense ) of the principal creditor must be a question of fact .
30 Firstly , a budget should be a planning document in that an organisation should clarify its goals and priorities in a forward looking way and relate them to available resources .
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