Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Technological change may mean it is inappropriate to use results for which the ‘ sell by ’ date has expired — that is , the reflating of older values may be inaccurate .
2 It was entirely appropriate the outcome of this confrontation should reach it 's conclusion on the eve of November 5 .
3 He declined to give any official view on the situation except to say : ‘ Any Marxist must say it 's a good thing that nobody has been hurt and we should give thanks to the police . ’
4 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
5 It is not that the information in the second version is not true , but rather that it is assumed — and that the witness can assume it is assumed .
6 The WTA should use it 's authority more efficiently .
7 Whoever attempts to hide behind a disclaimer must prove it is fair and reasonable to do so .
8 Outside the courtroom , one of the defendants , Elizabeth Brimelow , a former director and head of compliance of County NatWest , said : ‘ Only a judge could say it is too soon two-and-a-half years after you were arrested . ’
9 I had doubts about that cover when I saw it because someone on seeing the flag would think it 's a political novel , whereas it 's not .
10 Sun will claim it 's the first machine capable of running an entire database out of main memory .
11 They mainly argue about plants ; one will say it 's called so-and-so and the other lady will say it 's not , it 's a so-and-so because I 've got one in my garden .
12 Any fool can see it 's not genuine laughter — being grossly exaggerated , and ridiculously forced — but , always , she wins the attention of my parents , regardless .
13 After all , when you have laboured in the engine room for several years and are then suddenly confronted by some of the highest honours the sport can confer it is understandable that a player might believe he is living in another world .
14 Newley may think it 's a possibility .
15 The teacher may feel it is quicker and less tiring to carry out the task alone , or to ignore teaching opportunities .
16 To avoid scope for argument , the purchaser should ensure it is expressly stated in the sale agreement that rescission is available as a remedy for the period between exchange and completion ( see clause 13.8 of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
17 THERE are moments in matches where a team must sense it is just not going to be their day .
18 While this does provide a demonstration of the sort of facilities that a drawing package could provide it is far from being a good example .
19 Thus my belief that striking the match will light it is justified inferentially .
20 If you consider that such-and-such crime has not been committed , or that such-and-such defence is not available ( though an ignorant person might think it is ) , do not pass it by in silence but state your opinion expressly .
21 erm and er , you know as you 're exercising your discretion your Lordship there 's the points in the white book , my Lord in the interim it would be the societies submission that there are three reasons why during the time that it may take to get any guidance from the European court , in the interim , the application of the bi-laws and in particular the provisions of the Act nineteen eighty two should be maintained and er given er their force , because clearly my Lord if there is to be a reference to the European court , matters will take some two years or so before the European court will give it 's ruling that I think would be common ground with my learned friend
22 The area will lose it 's character . ’
23 If that really is the way the authorities are now thinking — and ‘ readers ’ letters ' have long been notoriously close to official thinking in East Germany — then the government could find it is courting unprecedented disaster .
24 The bill will get it 's second reading in the House of Commons next week .
25 ‘ Anyone who uses the East-Coast mainline will recognise it is the biggest investment since the steam age . ’
26 How do you think in the next year or two Oxford university will develop it 's ways of dealing with this ?
27 If the cost is higher than your budget will stand it is possible to collaborate with one , two or even three other manufacturers to put together a bumper bundle .
28 Nah , you know , in the words of Abraham Lincoln , people who like that sort of thing will find it 's the sort of thing they like .
29 Partly this is a matter of protecting their expertise : any fool can claim generic he is sexist , but only the linguist can explain it is really ‘ unmarked ’ .
30 Effectively , taking control of a lethal weapon and driving down St Mary 's Road in Oxford , which is an ordinary residential street and kill someone and be sentenced to three years : I do n't think the public will think it 's enough .
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