Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the parties should be aware that the items taken into account in compiling the index may vary from time to time .
2 In many markets , however , the identity of the firm initiating a price change may vary over time , possibly to avoid the impression that there is a price leader , or to spread more equitably the unpopularity of being the first firm to raise prices .
3 In the case of these problem behaviours , the duration measure should decrease over time if the intervention is working .
4 He told Anne Ridler some time later that such a success almost prompted him to believe that the poem was not very good , although no doubt he was being partly ironic : he was , at least , demonstrating the " usefulness " which a poet might possess in time of war .
5 The post-war history of South Korea shows how the balance of effect can change over time , driven by a coherently evolving logic for economic development , despite major changes of government and military rule .
6 This is not the case in all countries , however , and the composition of the labour force in a particular export-oriented industry or zone may change over time .
7 Science seems to have uncovered a set of laws that , within the limits set by the uncertainty principle , tell us how the universe will develop with time , if we know its state at any one time .
8 Moreover , for as long as authorities pursued a monetary policy which held the unemployment rate at U 1 , this prediction error will persist over time .
9 Your daughters ' marriage will come in time .
10 In education , as in other disciplines , bodies of opinion may develop from time to time which present an unusually sharp challenge to accepted wisdom .
11 The work of the Commission is , however , quite long term and we will not see quick decisions — those caught up in the process may find in time that the cost of conversion to unitary authorities is too prohibitive .
12 While an individual endometriotic implant may change with time , no evidence exists that the disease will inevitably disappear .
13 If this blob is in a turbulent flow , its distribution will change with time in the way indicated schematically by successive configurations in Fig. 20.5 ( see also Fig. 21.6 ) .
14 He thinks that day may come in time .
15 Nor does the evidence of a renewed upsurge of potentially revolutionary protest from below in the immediate pre-war years suggest that this source of their inhibition would fade with time .
16 The second specialist who had been called in — a man by the name of Adams — had assured Brian that his wife would recover in time , but he did not share his optimism .
17 In the three-dimensional systems treated in section 2.2 , the strange attractors are locally planar : a small displacement perpendicular to this sheet will decay , as the trajectory returns to the attractor ; a small displacement along the sheet will remain , as a trajectory is effectively pushed forward in time ; and a small lateral displacement will grow in time .
18 Skills of handling and evaluating evidence can develop over time .
19 A woman would come from time to time and take my money and bring me clothes and food .
20 THE LMS locomotive will arrive in time for the West Somerset 's Spring Gala on May 1 and will stay until the Autumn Gala on September 19 .
21 No matter how thorough our precautions , however , trouble will strike from time to time and , as with all forms of sickness , the very first thing we then have to do is diagnose or identify the cause .
22 Statistics of overall popularity of flights will help in planning , but the profile of interest in any one flight will vary with time .
23 The locus of competition may change over time ; however , in general the interest cost , gross of fees , may be defined as the price of a eurobond issue to the borrower , and is the continuing obligation in relation to the bond issue .
24 That managed competition may increase in time but it is stretching credibility a long way to suggest that a company that accounts for more than 96 per cent .
25 In this way , it is possible to estimate how the chemical stability of a sound recording will fare with time .
26 Any reasonably well-known professional scientist will receive from time to time letters written by bell-meaning people who indicate , usually in rather guarded terms , that they have in their possession the solution to the riddle of the universe and they just need a little help in polishing it up or propagating it .
27 But anyone working in this field will receive from time to time invitations to offer evidence as an expert witness in such cases .
28 Any thoughtful linguist must wonder from time to time if such a legacy can have been shaken off completely in the relatively short time during which scientific linguistics has existed .
29 This would mean that disorder would decrease with time .
30 Nevertheless , the clerk was still uneasy : his theory was well argued but there was little evidence and he wondered if the royal answer would come in time to prevent another murder at Godstowe Priory .
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