Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [be] find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though ruach may be found in man , it is always , so to speak , on loan , and not a possession ; a resident alien , not a native .
2 In many cases such user may be found to be tax-free because the taxpayer who uses the premises has not received " income " for the purposes of Schedule D , Case I and Case II .
3 An illustrative case may be found in the work and practical impact of William Morris , who sought not only to recognize but also to ameliorate the social and aesthetic impact of the machine , partly under the influence of socialist ideas .
4 The 1988 social security changes have always been on the agenda of the project and with the abolition of additional requirements and single payments , new sources of support must be found for the core families .
5 Police believe that a motive for the shooting may be found in his business dealings .
6 Further offences of endangerment may be found in the Firearms Act 1968 .
7 But there is also no doubt in his mind that an alternative must be found for the smaller company .
8 Parliament 's intention must be found in the ordinary and natural ( i.e. literal ) meaning of the words used in the statute .
9 The issue which divided public opinion largely revolved around the ineffectiveness of the prison system and the ease with which convicts could bamboozle prison chaplains into believing that their characters had been reformed , thus securing their release on ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ , and there was little room fur the idea that the roots of crime might be found in social conditions .
10 She immediately informed the police but no trace could be found of thief or machine .
11 ‘ I found as the charred remains came to light that one of their employees , who had left the firm last year , had been embezzling them for years and had set fire to the premises so that no trace could be found of his dirty work .
12 Further discussion on the domestic division of labour can be found in chapter 4 , section 4.3 , especially as it affects the inequality between men and women .
13 An insight into the relevance of presentation to parties in Opposition can be found in Conservative policies towards law and order in 1978 .
14 Other instances of racial prejudice can be found in the fact that the church used by the black community is used by the white men as a gambling den in the week although using a white church for such purposes would not be allowed , if even thought of .
15 A helpful picture dictionary can be found at the back of the book .
16 Further information about the Quality Development Programme can be found in two special Updates , issue numbers 23 and 26 , which were sent to centres in June 1991 and April 1992 respectively .
17 A third contrasting example of collectivity can be found in the Scottish Trades Councils in the latter part of the 19th Century , which formed a much stronger focus for working class politics than national trades unions at that time .
18 The background to Pahl 's ( 1984 ) study can be found in the case-study in chapter 2 , section 2.7 .
19 A further study can be found in : —
20 All information on the details relating to VAT for the hotel and catering industry can be found in the VAT booklet issued by the Customs and Excise Department .
21 Chests of tea and bales of wool can be found in the lower cargo hold .
22 ( Ullmann-Margalit ( 1977 ) gives a recent analysis , though the outlines of the idea that sanctioned norms can represent a solution to the Prisoners ' Dilemma can be found in Hobbes . )
23 A similar graphic intensity and inventiveness can be found in two of Fukase 's great contemporaries in Tokyo , Eikoh Hosoe and Daido Moriyama .
24 Venice itself has everything from a ‘ Bellini cocktail ’ at Harry 's bar , to fruit and vegetables at the Rialto market ; exclusive designer wear can be found in the boutiques along the Mercerie .
25 Concepts of honour and shame associated with manliness can be found in many of the cultures of southern Europe but , while this behaviour pattern seems to have declined in Spain , it has flourished in Latin America .
26 The image of a complex conspiracy can be found in other conspiracy theories containing the antisemitic themes which are lacking in None Dare Call It Conspiracy .
27 From 1930 some tentative engagement with the difficulties and aims of the modern poet can be found in the review sections .
28 Do n't worry if you do n't have anything to restore though , a piece can be found for you .
29 More informal guidance can be found in books with a personal approach , in which class the Companion Guide to Rome by Georgina Masson is exemplary ( first published in 1965 ) .
30 ( Details of the Reno auction can be found on page 49 . )
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