Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because one of the most important qualities a driver must have is concentration .
2 Her last purchase should have been bread — she picked a flat circular loaf rather than a baguette — but she succumbed to temptation and bought one of the plastic containers of the local vin ordinaire , amazingly cheap and good for its price , and several bottles of water too .
3 Penny McAllister 's parents welcomed the decision but insisted the verdict should have been murder and the sentence life .
4 One reason for this slow recognition may have been doubt about the term itself and confusion concerning what is actually meant ( Dean et al . ,
5 Those who came up from the Kinlochleven side may climb Am Bodach with the plan to turn east and do Na Gruagaichean , or carry on westwards for Stob Ban .
6 Indeed , a factor of some importance in the slaying of Eorpwald may have been hostility to the way in which the kingdom of the eastern Angles had sunk under his rule to satellite status .
7 I 've come to suspect that the spring may have been sewage , having noticed that butterflies , however , beautiful , possess unsavoury habits .
8 The reply may have been non-committal , but his eyes were decidedly wintry .
9 Pushing the wheelbarrow should have been child 's play , but I still could not get the hang of it .
10 The Rose of the photograph might have been Rose 's great-grandmother , perhaps .
11 Had I taken the latter course , the result might have been embarrassment rather than accident .
12 The purpose for living could have been revenge , to build a new homeland , or to see their family .
13 Correspondent Hadrian Jeffs of Norwich suggested that the lady in the background of the photograph could have been Hilda Lyon , who was a calculator on the design staff at Cardington ; he also points out that ‘ the model is of the R.101 in its original form , before the fitting of the controversial amidships bay which became the subject of so much debate in the post mortem ’ .
14 He was also very good at playing the ball down the line , bending it to keep it in play — and take play up to near their corner flag cos all the defender could do was kick it out ( then Vinny steps up : - )
15 What he actually did was right or wrong according to the criteria we have discussed , while his intention was right or wrong , on Bentham 's view , according as to whether his action would have been right or wrong if things had turned out as he expected .
16 Bay did thrash Connah 's Quay 7-0 in last season 's Welsh Cup , and also hammered Briton Ferry , and Bryn Jones agrees his side would have been title contenders .
17 The result would have been world wars and migrations and eventually a weakening of life-instincts in favour of a self-destructive ethic of murder and suicide like that of the Fijians .
18 A more accurate term would have been desktop layout or desktop typesetting and page makeup but we 've been stuck with the words he used .
19 The expectation was that IBM Corp would throw everything including the kitchen sink into its fiscal first quarter figures in order to give Louis Gerstner as clean a platform as possible on which to build — but the company unaccountably dressed the figures up a little , by taking a $95m tax credit in the quarter , without which the net loss would have been $380m ; interest charges in the first quarter declined by 12.5% to $305m .
20 This requirement may have been part of our own history too .
21 The correct reference should have been reference 3 .
22 The very idea of working from home should have been anathema to me .
23 And if the work had been put out to tender , savings to the council might have been £5m , the report found .
24 All that the RHA could offer were statements of intent about the desirability of building ‘ comprehensive joint health and social services for mental illness ’ .
25 One square 's separation would have been dagger range .
26 Twentieth Century Fox executive Tom Sherak estimated the return would have been £25 million-plus if all tickets had been full price .
27 The desire of biblical literalists to show that the story could have been history acted as a spur to the study of zoogeography , even though the eventual , and ironic , outcome was that they sank their own ship .
28 Ealdred 's kinswoman could have been Abbess Aethelburh , daughter of a local lord , Aelfred , who was given Withington in Gloucestershire in the 770s ( CS 217 : S 1255 ) .
29 Iehmarc may have been Echmarcach Ragnallson , later king of Dublin ( see below ) , but who possibly in 1031 controlled part of Galloway and maybe the Isle of Man .
30 Tripp 's starting point may have been road accidents , but his overall grasp of the problem took him into wider fields .
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