Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If I am lucky a red fire-boat may come storming up from its station on the Grand Canal .
2 I was going to finish there without saying any more because i cant be arsed writing , but basically there is a rich business man who has remained in the background because he dislikes Howard.Once Howard leaves , the money should come rolling in , or so the story goes .
3 Let the baby suck regularly — even if nothing comes out at first — and the milk should start coming through again .
4 He says he has high hopes for unity finally and apparently thinks the industry might start coming together at the Unix International members meeting in New Orleans February 11–12 where some 100 companies and 200 people will assemble .
5 In the evening when the booking and despatch department would start packing up to go , so would I and no one asked me not to .
6 The craftsmen knew , for instance , the precise critical angle beyond which an elephant-grass roof will begin absorbing rather than rejecting rainwater .
7 For the average householder using 3,600 standard rate units per year , the review will mean paying less than 2p more a day .
8 A central angled cut will make levering out easier
9 While the plantsman will enjoy growing as wide a diversity of plant material as possible , the appeal of some areas of open water should not be overlooked .
10 Er erm July , er June is erm , according to Chris 's seasonality figures , normally about erm twelve percent higher than the mean , erm so if they 'll take the mean at about , at being about three hundred and fifty , you know we 're looking at a figure of somewhere just over four hundred for July , as opposed to last July which was erm I think five er four hundred and ninety four complaints in the month , so it 's very unlikely that that output figure will continue going up next month .
11 As McEvoy suggests , time , like money , should be budgeted : ‘ The reflective practitioner will avoid taking on more than he or she can accomplish calmly and effectively …
12 A successful military campaign may require giving up some tactically untenable territory .
13 The communication exercise may involve bringing in relocation consultants to answer employees ' questions and provide advice .
14 Because of these difficulties , the law should avoid allowing too much to turn on these distinctions .
15 During the spring and summer of this year the Chairman and members of the committee have invited presentations from a wide range of suppliers of financial services products and it is hoped in due course to publish both recommendations as to the type of financial services products members of the Bar should consider taking up and details of advantageous group insurance schemes .
16 Well , I think , once he gets established , and once he starts getting work in , I think meself , that work will start , wo n't say rolling in , but I think the work 'll start coming in after about three months and I can get established .
17 One PC complained at length to a sergeant that the ‘ ground ’ where they both worked had become much quieter ; he looked back with nostalgia to the old days when the ground was much ‘ harder ’ and ‘ you could literally be strolling past a pub and a bloke would come staggering out with a knife in his back … ’
18 After winning the European Indoor I thought that sponsorship and help would come rolling in .
19 Only a fool would risk doing so .
20 The coral sand will need raking through regularly to prevent it packing down solid and reducing the through-flow .
21 Earlier publication will make timetabling easier , and reduce the pressure on staff who need to review and develop teaching materials .
22 So a modern engine can need decarbonising in as little as 20,000 miles from new .
23 He also echoed Willy Brandt in warning that unless the West was seen to act quickly and in concert , demand for German reunification could become overpowering in both East and West .
24 When Winston Churchill visited East Africa in 1906 as Under-Secretary of State for the colonies , his private coach was frequently detached at station sidings along the line so that the distinguished Nimrod could go hunting near by .
25 Soon the telescope should begin sending back extraordinary pictures of other galaxies .
26 Charles pointed out that Aimee could consider going even shorter in the future to emphasise fully her delicate bone structure , a feature which her old hairstyle had failed to draw attention to because it had tended to drag her face downwards .
27 That would leave the afternoon free for the first walk-around rehearsals where the Director would begin working out his cast , camera and microphone boom movements .
28 If you can not manage to clean your house or flat every day you should not keep six cats , either , because the place will smell appalling very quickly .
29 The kids from the houses up there- ’ she waved her arm in the direction of home — ‘ will come and play on the grass-the old people from the council place will come pottering down and sit on the benches by the flowerbeds .
30 Rather intervention will mean changing how workplaces operate and is defined as much socially as economically in terms of developing local skills , satisfying local needs and enriching the working life of local people ;
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