Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] not for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I know but all this tape 's not for me .
2 Marriage is n't for everyone , ’ he would say , his fingers twitching .
3 ‘ I 'm looking at it all very positively , ’ she says , ‘ because auditing is n't for me anyway — and the partners knew that , which is how they chose who to make redundant .
4 If the outdoor work is not for you , there are many ways in which you can still help .
5 Marriage was not for her , she told herself .
6 In nineteen seventy four , Reg spent some time at the National Circus School in Paris , where he learnt , amongst other things , that the life of a circus performer was not for him .
7 Whether Skelton needs to expand at the present moment is not for me to say .
8 If you feel breastfeeding is n't for you , the most important thing is not to feel guilty about it .
9 But capital punishment is not for me in that category : it is not self-evidently harmful , not self-evidently unjust .
10 Now 48 , Mr Ames realised at an early age that the nine to five routine was not for him .
11 Philip Ames realised at an early age that the nine to five routine was not for him .
12 Then she hid it well , she mused , even if her awe was n't for his title , but for the man .
13 Mysticism is not for everybody , however .
14 ‘ That stuff 's not for me .
15 If you talk to women in the sort of project where she 's working , I think you do get a very strong picture of people who have very little confidence in themselves and certainly think that education is not for them , and if you then look at projects like second chance for women , there 's a range of access projects , particularly for for people who want to get back into education when they think that they 've had precious little chance to get anything out of education when they were at school themselves .
16 ‘ Boxing Day 's not for me , ’ said Bruce .
17 The first thing I had to learn was that my parents ' use of guilt was not for my benefit but for theirs .
18 A CHRISTMAS job in his university days convinced Mr John Ensoll that the Secret Service was not for him .
19 Giles said , ‘ The whole set-up is not for her . ’
20 The way I think of the band is kind of like puzzle pieces ; to me the secret of an effective arrangement is not for everyone to push towards the same kind of sound , but for everyone to play something that 's contrasting but interlocking , so that when you listen to the song , all the pieces fall into place around each other .
21 When considering this option , bear in mind how long it might be before your retire — if it is likely to be 35 years , then the pension loan is not for you .
22 After a year 's postdoctoral research , including a short spell in Sweden on a British Council award , Worswick decided that a long term career at the bench was not for him .
23 With respect er I was n't paying too much attention to er to what was being said in as much as this possibly sounds negative but our concern is not for what people are shouting at us our concern is for whether we 've got a threat er in a particular area , in this case the bedroom , and whether we can try and sort that threat out before somebody is injured .
24 ‘ Marriage with Sybil Vane was not for you .
25 It was typical of him that , immediately following the accident , his concern was not for his own injuries but for his horse Mr Brooks .
26 This is n't for you , the world is n't for you ’ . ’
27 This book is not for them .
28 So it was , the prophecy was written then by Daniel for our , for our time and it just happened in our , because you know er , when he was er , when he finished the book write written and he said I have seen the , the , the erm visions and I 've heard the voice , but I , and I 've written down what I was told to do , but I do not understand and then the voice said to him well close that down , that book is not for you to understand , the generations that it 's written for , it 's written for the end of the times , they will come to understand it , and you see we actually witnessing what 's happening
29 She is weak and ill but her first prayer is not for herself but for her unborn child who is dedicated to Christ 's service .
30 Such a false position was not for her , nor for her was the taunt of cowardice , so she smiled and assented , and allowed him to drag her into the sparsest area of the room .
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