Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] the [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Here again the slow hand-clap is the signal one gives for a sereno 's help .
2 Partnership is the relationship which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit .
3 As far as most women are concerned the only enviable thing about a penis is the ability it confers on the owner to pee out of a coach window as it powers along a motorway when the bladder feels like bursting and the driver refuses to stop .
4 The Committee is also Ulster owned and his trainer is the man who also saddled Rhythm Section , Ulster exile Homer Scott who now operates from Kildare .
5 Lenny 's the man they call the Guvnor .
6 So find the right angle which is usually pretty obvious and the side opposite that the longest side is the hypotenuse which is a long word .
7 The indictment is the document which charges the defendant with the offence .
8 Looks can deceive , though , because to look at her you would think she was aggressive , or dead political , but she is n't , it 's just that punk is the look she likes , and what she 's aiming for .
9 Give Sinbad a better break is the answer he 's one of the most endearing soap characters on the box , yet now he 's fast turning into a busybody .
10 The more interesting aspect of its search is the part which finds the whole numbers , the powers of P and R. During the search , Bacon constructs intermediate approximations to the right powers , all of the form i j where i and j are whole numbers .
11 To teach herself to handle thought , she made it a practise never to permit herself to touch a brush until she could answer these questions , in writing , in the fewest possible words : ‘ What attracted me to this subject ? ’ 'Why do I want to paint it ? ’ 'What is the thing I am trying to express ? ’
12 The role of advertising within the marketing mix is the part it has to play in the marketing strategy .
13 K. Barrett 's book , Luke the Historian in Recent Study is the weight he gives to the Word as the prime agency through which the Spirit extends the good news of Christ .
14 More serious to the surveying practice is the job which has a fixed fee and runs over budgeted time .
15 ‘ That you ’ Proof of the identity of an accused exposing his/her person may be difficult and apart from an admission a witness is required to say that the man/woman in the court dock is the person who exposed their person .
16 In truth , the most impressive thing about this performance car is the way it enhances the performance of its driver .
17 Essentially , there is no real answer to this question because , in most cases of fraud , the transferor actually believes that the transferee is the person he is pretending to be .
18 Dreary and dark 's the way we are going .
19 Seeing as the best thing about Levitation is the way they challenge his previous band 's liabilities , it 's a shame Tel 's still trying to master his own voice , but there 's still time before they release their debut single .
20 One of the worst features of research in the drug industry is the work which needs to be done to make and test products which are only marginally different from existing ones .
21 The speed of a pulse of light is the distance it travels between two events , divided by the time interval between the events .
22 ‘ I ca n't figure out why foreign investment is the battlefield he decided to pick , ’ one official said on Friday .
23 What makes fly fishing different from coarse and sea fishing is the way you cast .
24 Whereas love is the accelerator which gets us moving , fear is the brake which prevents us going in the wrong direction .
25 The accusation , ‘ that person has no conscience ’ , carries a condemnation of character , but the real culprit is the society which has failed to raise to a position of the utmost importance in the public mind , the fact that the human conscience is the very rock-bottom foundation on which civilisation rests .
26 There are artists whose inspiration and field of action is the landscape itself .
27 Even more important , perhaps , in its effect upon class action is the attachment which individuals have always had to some tribal , ethnic , linguistic or national community , with which they identify their own interests , by contrast and often in conflict with other such communities .
28 The active citizen is the person who seeks out opportunities to succour the needy , protect the environment , administer schools and defend , through neighbourhood watch schemes , the local community against the depredations of the burgeoning criminal class .
29 Your major part of your blood is the plasma which carries the carbon dioxide away , the red cells carry the oxygen and the white cells fight disease .
30 Snyman was the man who coached the almost unbeatable Province side in the early Eighties .
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