Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] in [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although the RNLI has a unique appeal , the methods of attracting support are in many ways no different to those used by all the other major charities in the country .
2 This provided not only an overview of the stated intentions of Major Project schools but also some kind of check that the six schools chosen as the focus for our study were in these terms not atypical .
3 But though the churches are failing , religion is in some ways more powerful than ever , if by ‘ religion ’ we mean some way for people to make sense of their lives , and particularly suffering .
4 The ‘ happy ’ ending in which the Toons inherit their own ghetto is in some ways positive , but the Toons remain happy infants — has anyone ever tried to imagine the bedroom scenes of Roger and Jessica ?
5 Ritual is in some ways akin to routine , the process of regularizing actions .
6 To the Sufi the divine is in all things and manifested to the seer , and it is this divine attribute that he sees and which is transferred to the work of the poet and the mystic ; and that work is authentic in so far as it depicts faithfully the himma or emotional part of the event .
7 The agricultural industry is in many ways exceptional : not least because of its relative freedom from formal controls .
8 This term is in some respects a misnomer , for within it are the hepatic lipocytes ( fat storing or Ito cells ) and a specialised basement membrane-like matrix , which consists predominantly of type IV collagen , laminin , and proteoglycans .
9 Founded in 1925 , the Review is in many respects a source as appropriate to this phase as the English Association and the Newbolt Committee were for the earlier period .
10 This point needs to be stressed , because recruitment administration is in many respects so mundane that outsiders to the personnel department have difficulty understanding why it should cause a problem .
11 The Shah had always preferred Republicans to Democrats and he had felt that Carters human rights programme was in some senses directed against him .
12 Criticism which could be levelled at this study was in many ways similar to that of youth cultures .
13 Certainly the ambition was in both cases the same : in a lecture which he gave soon after finishing The Cocktail Party he declared that he only wished to write plays " of contemporary life " .
14 A comfortable position for writing when work needs to be undertaken at close range is in some respects more difficult to achieve than it is for reading .
15 Conversely , poetry is in many ways closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms .
16 On the technical side , remedial work is in many cases already on the way .
17 However , the Universe is in many ways a very orderly place : if nine planets orbit a star in roughly the same plane , the tenth can be expected to do likewise .
18 Now while there is no reason to doubt that the first kind of structure contributes in one way or another to the effect of the poem , it can be and has been argued ( Riffaterre 1966 : 206ff. ) that the second is in most cases irrelevant to the text 's poetic status , since it tends to fall well below the ordinary reader 's level of consciousness .
19 The fact that divorce is in many cases equally desired by both parties makes it probable that there may in fact be some collusion between them .
20 ‘ The picture that emerges from our review of radioactive waste management is in many ways a disquieting one , ’ the Commission noted with cautious understatement , ‘ indicating insufficient appreciation of long-term requirements either by government departments or other organizations concerned . ’
21 The child is in some respects freer than his predecessors while , at the same time , less able than might have been the case in the past to participate in adult culture .
22 Or at least they start , both books really start with the same issue , and the issue in question is in many ways , well , you could argue that it was in many ways fundamental to the social sciences .
23 Agnes and Tommy Docherty 's marriage was in many respects typical of their generation and typical of their catholic upbringing in the west of Scotland .
24 The allocation of work was in some cases based upon people 's skills outside ; for example , prisoners who had been barbers , washermen , gardeners or ‘ sweepers ’ ( refuse collectors and cleaners from the lower castes ) were given similar jobs if available , but , generally speaking , new inmates were assigned a task without much deliberation or consultation .
25 This work was in some ways inferior to that done in America , where engineers had developed a disc-cutter with better frequency-range and lower distortion , and their pressings had lower surface-noise as well .
26 Naturally the radio did n't work as the aeroplane was in several pieces .
27 Moreover , a change from philosophy was in many ways to be desired , as it so often is .
28 Information sharing , access , and security are in many ways the same issue viewed from different angles , with the emphasis varying according to how open an organisation is .
29 While it is therefore acceptable to talk of Japan as strongly influenced by Confucianism , the emphases of th Japanese brand of Confucianism are in many respects far removed from the Chinese original .
30 Women of the first group are in many ways utterly dissimilar from each other , differing in language , religion and customs ( see tables 1 and 2 ) , but their roles in the peasant societies they have come from have a lot in common .
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