Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] not [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the record of Conservative Governments in always putting up VAT and in view of the Prime Minister 's promises on other aspects of policy , how can he pretend that his intention is not to put up VAT ?
2 The intention is not to write off this side of life as " dirty " , as is plain elsewhere in Scripture .
3 The Bank argues that " the key is not to produce less , but to produce differently " .
4 He claimed that his intention was not to bring down the government but merely to remind his brother of his election pledge to root out official corruption .
5 Farm director Lyn Powell explained that the original intention was not to produce yet another crossbred ewe to compete with Mules and other well established halfbreds , but to explore the possibility of producing fine-woolled wethers to graze moorland and rough grazings that would never be improved because of environmental pressures .
6 Pound was not to escape lightly , however , and although he did not stand trial he was judged insane and spent the next eleven years in confinement .
7 And the chicken is not to come up here again , is that understood ?
8 Cold-blooded creatures would need very even temperatures if their intelligence was not to switch on and off with variations in the weather .
9 But the real on-course caring was not to return fully until she turned professional at the start of 1984 .
10 The Adagietto , too shows the Boston Symphony Orchestra at its most refined , but , while I admire Ozawa 's emotional restraint , there needs to be more sense of ebb and flow , even at such a slow speed , if the moment is not to fall apart .
11 However , to talk of its goodness is not to talk merely of its utility but to report upon or express or predict emotional responses thereto .
12 On the gybes the aim is not to fall in and to keep clear of others .
13 Jermey 's aim is not to turn out chefs who can produce Chinese wedding feasts , but adventurous chefs who can borrow techniques where appropriate and incorporate them into their own style : ‘ They 'll see new ways of finishing dishes , new combinations of flavours . ’
14 If the crisis is not to spiral completely out of control , the Queen must put her foot down .
15 To give Londoners the range and quality of rail services enjoyed by Parisians will cost a great deal of money , but this money will have to be spent if our public transport is not to slip once again on to the mad downhill spiral of reduced investment , reduced service , reduced passengers , reduced investment and so on .
16 A message needs to be sent loud and clear to the Church of England Synod that a complete change in thinking is vital if the new wine is not to burst out of the old wineskins and be lost .
17 As one observer noted , there is a need to develop democratic practice in the classroom as well as outside it , if people 's education is not to become simply ‘ a process of looking for a new set of right answers ’ .
18 The respite was not to last however for , just as she heard the guards wondering aloud if they had hit her , someone on one of the freighters pointed her out with a cry .
19 In all , twenty-seven runners went to post , but this Derby 's appearance of being an extremely open race was not to last long .
20 What 's actually covered on the policy there I mean obviously if if you get let's take the first point as regards the if the vehicle is n't right from the day of purchase , then obviously the redress is with the dealer obviously erm I mean we 're all aware of that situation , and obviously the idea of the policy is not to take away the dealer 's liability the dealer 's liability remains , as you would know .
21 To encourage recruitment is not to price out existing members , not to prevent a possible mass membership , and although we encourage our members to join , we encourage family and friends also .
22 In other words , erm that er special landscape areas countryside is not to change quite radically .
23 The flight crew 's first priority is not to get too close to other aircraft .
24 However , considering that –Sewell characteristically was uncommunicative and that the College 's general policy was not to give away information helpful to others , the report does have some interest .
25 It would surely be better for the case of female representation in the letters page ( 8 May ) if the concerned person of gender were not to write in from Hampton Wick .
26 The secret is not to get too greedy and try to knock off large pieces : aim to knock out the back of the tile at the corner , which weakens the front , and then gently hammer the front , a bit at a time .
27 Many doctors are very scathing about anti-cellulite creams but the secret is not to expect too much of them .
28 The general message was not to look back at past crimes but forward to a more worthwhile place in society .
29 His main concern was not to act prematurely .
30 A mundane pilgrimage , maybe , but the only kind of which I am capable , and one which satisfies those ‘ two thirsts that can not long be neglected if all our being is not to dry up : I mean loving and admiring ’ .
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