Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [v-ing] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While business was buoyant there was a living in it for many small shops that are liable to succumb in a climate where 40 per cent of the country are wanting independent deals , and the remainder are demanding much improved advice and service .
2 Edingley are sending about four and are sending about four but er as many as like want to go .
3 Falling rolls and rapid technological and social change are bringing about constant adjustments and shifts in the secondary school curriculum , demanding in turn a degree of flexibility and adaptability on the part of the teaching force .
4 I HAVE no doubt that the vandals who defaced Bomber Harris 's statue are feeling pretty smug and probably thinking that they had made a point for Dresden .
5 Studies at Aberdeen University are testing how literate adults and learners could benefit from better spelling .
6 Next month there 's going to be an international conference around reproductive technologies and genetic engineering specifically to bring together the work that women in India are doing against sterilization abuse and population control with the work the women in the West are doing around genetic experimentation and invitro fertilization and egg farming — some of the anti-women scientific advances .
7 And what had that car been doing again this morning in the Dersinghams ' drive ?
8 Similarly , the likely phasing out of duty-free sales for people travelling within the European Community could also make many luxury items more expensive just as many of the newly-rich who fuelled the consumer boom are feeling newly poor .
9 *Diversion of water is threatening the life of another Soviet sea : Agriculture and industry are preventing around 30 per cent of annual fresh water supply from reaching the Sea of Azov .
10 In the work setting , too , incidents involving violence are becoming increasingly common ; assault and even murder are now occupational hazards .
11 She points out agencies must have licences and checks on practice are getting more stringent .
12 The other parties had met with mixed success and it was obvious that the enemy were mounting far stronger guards on their airfields .
13 Yes he 's built a business up and I 'm not denying him that er or anything at all , But somehow now er I do n't know whether the wheel is turning too fast for him to co keep up with it or whether it 's erm oh never mind the erm the industry of the locality , providing the money stakes a I know every business has got to pay for itself and that we we 're not , If this quarry was on the down grade and er er somebody had come to us said , look unless you take a drop in your wages er we ca n't survive that would be a different issue altogether .
14 And whether the wheel is turning too fast for them to cope with it somewhere along the line they 've lost control any and there 's still I 'm told young many a time a good shop steward and a good management should be a good team together , but erm unless they can work in harmony you know it 's no good .
15 The Association is becoming increasingly involved in welfare work , as the needs of those who survived World War II become more urgent .
16 Hardliners in parliament and in the Russian military say the president is making too many concessions to the West .
17 Some estimate the volcano is pouring out one million tons of debris a day , at a rate of 15 ft per second , from a fissure that opened in mid-December .
18 The wind is whistling up this and within seconds my face is frozen .
19 If the wind is blowing directly onshore , you should also work out which is the best tack to set off on .
20 Every day the virus causing AIDS is infecting more young people .
21 The result is tiling as good as new .
22 The result is becoming too impenetrable to be viewed as anything but a plot against the public .
23 ‘ The whole programme is growing too large .
24 According to UNEP 's figures , desertification is taking as much land out of agricultural use as exploiters of one kind or another are clearing in the rainforests :
25 The big digger is holding up all the traffic .
26 The bullet rolls momentarily and then comes to rest , but a slight lift of the rod-tip inches it round a little more , and then another lift until I am satisfied the crust is lying just short of the roots .
27 However , the Department is becoming increasingly conscious of the need to involve those sectors of the community with special needs , who in the past have not been encouraged to get involved in public consultation .
28 the car 's sounding pretty ropy at the minute , needs a new exhaust .
29 The outbreak is killing off large numbers of fish , which die for lack of oxygen , and many sheep and cattle , which die of thirst due to the absence of drinkable water .
30 As a matter of fact , I believe that Summerchild is playing not one game here but two .
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