Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [adv] [v-ing] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In the cinema foyer the two old ladies who run the cinema are both dispensing and receiving abuse from all sides as to the quality of the night 's offerings , Storm Over the Nile and Voodoo Woman .
2 It is too easy to say that the Opposition are just scaremongering and making it all up , and it will not be as bad as we fear .
3 As for the criteria for granting postgraduate awards , postgraduate study and research are academically demanding and candidates should be selected by competition to ensure that the resources available are used as effectively as possible .
4 Nevertheless the political and diplomatic links which bound her to the rest of the continent were slowly multiplying and becoming stronger .
5 she said cos she were talking , she knew tape were still running and she were pretending to say that she did n't say I could do it but she did
6 A position which provides shelter from wind is almost more important than one which receives all the sun available ; wind is excessively drying and moisture is transpired from plants much more quickly than is realized , along with the essential oils , relatively " heavy " though they are .
7 The tape 's still stopping and it keeps loading .
8 His revenue was slowly sinking and his subjects had shown themselves resistant to demands for aid .
9 Donna 's mind was still reeling but she reached for her handbag , pulling out the diary .
10 The roof was also leaning and coming away from the east wall of the church .
11 At the time the college was specifically teaching and developing the practical skills needed to use thinnings , green and coppice timber in the design and construction of buildings and wooden products .
12 Oh aye aye er there was always that in the back of their mind that the the more rivets they put in per day , although it meant more money at the end of the week possibly , er it also meant that the the boat was therefore progressing or the ship was progressing that quick , that they were getting nearer the gate as the the saying went .
13 At this point the Jews were being deconcentrated , were being channelled back into society , and it fell to us to help dismantle and disperse the ghettos , where the light was always failing and where the children all looked so old and full of knowledge , and everybody moved much too slowly or much too fast .
14 A strong wind was now blowing and there was a loud crack of thunder .
15 The mortally wounded killer was alternatively pleading and threatening now , his insanity having paradoxically deserted him , in circumstances which would have driven others to the brink of madness .
16 Against this , positivist criminology 's deterministic conception was hopelessly stifling and fatalistic .
17 The Transaction System for Sparc will be out in July from Micro Focus and Sun is now selling and supporting the entire Micro Focus Cobol environment for commercial software developers under Solaris 1.1 and Solaris 2 ; including Cobol Compiler , Toolbox , Dialog System and Operating System Extensions .
18 The Transaction System for Sparc will be out in July from Micro Focus and Sun is now selling and supporting the entire Micro Focus Cobol environment for commercial software developers under Solaris 1.1 and Solaris 2 ; including Cobol Compiler , Toolbox , Dialog System and Operating System Extensions .
19 Manufacture is now proceeding and the equipment will be ready for installation on Reactor 2 in May 1993 .
20 That is what the County Council is presently discussing and will come to a conclusion on February the twelfth , and I believe following that conclusion some small primary schools may seek to opt out .
21 Amber is for ‘ caution ’ behaviour , which you do n't encourage but tolerate because your child is still learning and making mistakes : something like digging holes in the lawn with his spade or hurling her toys across the room in a moment of fury .
22 From the outset the Sun was equally titillating but with a different style from the News of the World .
23 In most cases it is probably more convenient to consider what the police constable was actually doing and in particular whether such conduct was prima facie an unlawful interference with a person 's liberty or property .
24 I need not have worried , however , for the plot was rapidly unfolding and we were being drawn into the action .
25 The girl was now writhing and moaning faintly , barely conscious of what was happening to her .
26 It was not that each child was continually talking but every now and then a child would speak to his neighbour or another would leave his place quietly and walk over to another child to speak with him .
27 The external factors affecting your business are constantly changing and you have in order to survive to adapt to these external changes .
28 In fact several projects of this nature are currently operating and are having considerable success in improving the social , emotional and educational environment of the home ( see chapter 9 ) .
29 Of course , the cloth-eared bimbo sometimes graduates into becoming the Second Mrs/Mr Tanqueray and becomes the person about whom your children start saying , ‘ Sophie makes these wicked cakes — they just melt in your mouth and she does n't mind what time we go to bed and she and daddy are always giggling and cuddling up and when can we go there again ? ’
30 Some strata of the urban population were still apportioning and collecting their own tax dues in Nicholas I 's reign .
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