Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [adj] [prep] most " in BNC.

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1 The symptoms and signs of heroin intoxication are familiar to most clinicians , but cocaine poisoning may be harder to recognise .
2 The parasite is common in most countries although outbreaks of disease do not often occur , probably due to the fact that most systems of pig husbandry do not allow ready access to earthworms by pigs .
3 Legal aid is available for most High Court actions .
4 Currently , extensive tropical deforestation is responsible for most of the global carbon emissions from land-use changes but the amount is less than that generated from fossil-fuel burning ( Revelle , 1982 ) .
5 The west elevation was subject to most change .
6 A premature ‘ cure ’ can be potentially problematic for the later development of the analysis , and some degree of suffering is necessary during most of the analysis .
7 With the l'Estaque paintings , Braque , on the other hand , began to limit his use of colour severely , and in this respect his work was typical of most early Cubist painting .
8 As for ideology , it is quite clear from this account that Odilon Redon did not have one as such ( his connections with the anarchists of the period being tangential at most ) .
9 No advance booking is necessary on most departures .
10 The ivory-coloured surface of Gyproc cove is suitable for most types of surface treatment , except plastering .
11 Achieving a healthy diet is high on most people 's list of priorities .
12 The production of a house journal is common in most large organisations , but it is important to ensure that the style and tone of the journal is apt .
13 This impression is further supported by their observation that the lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation was incomplete in most patients after surgery .
14 Staying on an independent label had maintained their credibility and an album of itchy , irresistible pop was consummate for most observers .
15 Parents reported whether their children had suffered from attacks of asthma or bronchitis during the past 12 months , whether they usually coughed first thing in the morning or at any other time , whether their chest ever sounded wheezy or whistling , and , if so , whether this symptom was present on most days or nights .
16 For each of these you will need one cone and a papier-mâché or other cheap other cheap ball for the head ( paper-mâché ball are available at most craft shops ) .
17 Sedimentation and filtration for the removal of solid matter from process water are essential for most textile uses , and the methods employed depend mainly upon the source of the water .
18 DRP and dystrophin are similar throughout most of their lengths , although DRP lacks two large regions in the second half of the rod domain .
19 As one tutor put it : ‘ The temptation to put off the evil day is irresistible for most people .
20 Windsurfing during the two hours either side of high water is ill-advised on most beaches in all but the lightest winds .
21 Roulé is available at most good cheese stores but do look out for the name .
22 A Garden Secrets measuring , design and erection service is available in most parts of the country .
23 The authors and quotations mentioned , however , are representative of a wider literature of evaluation , but it is the absence of favourable comments which supports the view that this small sample is representative of most other lesser developed countries .
24 H. gallinarum is widespread in most poultry flocks and is of little pathogenic significance in itself , but is of great importance in the epidemiology of Histomonas .
25 Space was a premium particularly on Summer Saturdays , and the congestion at the shed throat caused by engines coming off , and going on shed was responsible for most of the delays along the North Wales coast when locomotives changes were necessary , particularly for the Butlins ' workings .
26 Trading was light for most of the day but brisker buying may be resumed when the market opens today if dealers want to ensure they are not left short of supplies by the proposed cuts due to go into force on 1 March .
27 On both media Mr Mulford managed to show us some previously unseen and very imaginative shots , and indeed it is a constant source of wonder how many good photographs taken in our own area are unknown to most of us .
28 Of course this kind of thoughtful extension is alien to most Highland hotel owners .
29 Next week 's vital for most of them — luckily I 've got a job to go to . ’
30 Monogamy is rare in most animal groups , but is common among birds .
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