Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That is : given characteristics are attributed to the entire population of Shetlanders and to the entire population of incomers : any differences which exist within the category are differences in degree of applicability .
2 This implies the recognition and the self-centredness of addictive disease and the denial of its existence and of its consequences by the sufferer are forms of insanity .
3 One takes the point , whilst insisting that scrupulosity and rigour are matters of means not ends .
4 Among other things he gets off his chest are opinions about contemporaries : Bob Appleyard could be ‘ quite nasty and overbearing ’ , Ray Illingworth was ‘ selfish ’ but often helpful , John Edrich was ‘ a little stirrer off the field ’ , Geoff Arnold ‘ moaned incessantly ’ on tour , and Geoff Boycott was the ‘ most selfish , egotistical individual I have ever met ’ .
5 On the next level are classrooms for conductor-trainees , offices and a sitting/buffet area , which has to cope with an international mix of families , visitors , students , staff and conductors .
6 Lurking behind their response are images of RE reflecting past experience : " dull " , " irrelevant " , " soft option " , " load of nonsense " , " dangerous — trying to get at people " , " morals and all that " , " a training in prejudice " , " an anachronism in the modern world " , " the odd one out in schools " , " to do with the God squad " .
7 You and some other Members of Parliament are residents of Westminster .
8 The best leaves for smoking are things like oak or beech .
9 afternoon are things like rugby league challenge cup final or something .
10 The kind of areas that will be covered in this course component are types of schools , their structure , management and ethos , the roles and expectations of both teachers and pupils , teachers ' working conditions and status , pastoral care and discipline .
11 About half the deputies who defied Gen Aoun 's attempts to block the presidential election are Christians like Mr Muawad .
12 Durham University are champions of divisions two and four , and Newcastle University have won division five .
13 Yet a third kind are colonies of polyps but ones that have , confusingly , given up their attachment to the sea bottom and sail free like medusae .
14 It should not be forgotten that in general , statistical tests of this kind are aids to interpretation .
15 North West are six-hits in Cup
16 The statue of S. James the Apostle decorates the trumeau and on each side are statues of apostles , prophets and elders .
17 The ratios relating to return on investment are Earnings per share Dividend yield Price/earnings ratio
18 Examples that spring to mind are artefacts like beaver dams , bird nests and caddis houses .
19 Remember also that cutting blooms for the house and dead-heading are forms of pruning , and the general principles should be observed , particularly with regard to leaving spurs .
20 A majority of materials in the Earth 's crust are silicates with molecules comprising four oxygen atoms linked to one atom of silicon .
21 The liar and the hypocrite are enemies of society since they pervert language to their own gain and other people 's harm .
22 The external doses recorded for the fathers in our study are orders of magnitude lower than the external doses received by survivors of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki , whose children are not at an increased risk of childhood leukaemia .
23 Low wages , high unemployment and rising crime are facts of life in the North , more so than many other parts of the country .
24 Labour are spendthrifts by instinct , imposers of crippling taxes by necessity and blissfully unconcerned about causing high inflation , uncontrollable cost of living and economic chaos .
25 Why do we assume that rage , aggression , violence are products of frustration ?
26 Despite the demise this summer of Richmond Flyers , Tayside Tigers and Birmingham Bulls , nearing completion are rinks at Alexandra Palace , Milton Keynes and a new home for Ayr Raiders .
27 It was divided into two ; on one side were drawings of Coats of Arms .
28 Obviously the opposition were lovers of literature , but I fooled them — I can type with either hand . ’
29 Whereas the major newspapers of Nigeria and the Gold Coast were organs of protest and political agitation , those of East Africa were , from the start , ‘ vehicles for the culture and concepts of the rulers , with the considerable resources of white capital at their command ’ .
30 The Orc Warlord that led them was Azhag the Slaughterer , and under his command were tribes of Orcs and Goblins from the highlands around Red Eye Mountain .
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