Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [verb] [conj] there " in BNC.

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1 Important areas of text are highlighted and there are some excellent flow charts to describe strategies .
2 Buchanan refers to fiscal equity being attained when there is horizontal equity across different states :
3 An even more extreme form of this way of thinking is to assume that there has been some type of directive force in evolution such that humans represent the ‘ pinnacle ’ of progress .
4 The purpose of the subsection is to ensure that there is local representation on the licensing board for a division .
5 Consciousness is structured and there are reasons for supposing that this structure differs with the socio-economic situation of the experiencing subject .
6 For all practical purposes in traffic it does not matter which gear is engaged and there is never any lack of overtaking power . ’
7 However , one of the aims of this chapter is to see if there are the significant continuities that have been claimed .
8 Thrombolytic therapy is started provided there arc none of the exclusion criteria that I mentioned , along with atropine .
9 It has been suggested that in some rural areas , clitoridectomy is practised but there have been no confirmed reports and it would seem unlikely as it was not a characteristic of Meso-american cultures .
10 Back down the beach , the Big Wheel was turning and there were even queues waiting to get on .
11 She added that the number of people who opted for cremation was increasing although there was still a section of society to whom cremation was unthinkable .
12 An important aim of the study was to see if there had been any growth in the use of temporary working in Britain in recent years .
13 The aim of this study was to determine whether there is any correlation between the serum concentration of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one and the result of the SeHCAT test .
14 The main aim of this study was to determine whether there was a correlation between postprandial gastric volume measured by echography and the sensations of hunger and satiety evaluated by a validated visual analogue scale .
15 He sued the defendant for procuring a breach of his contract with X. The action was dismissed because there was no contract , since the identity of the plaintiff was , in the circumstances , material to the formation of the alleged contract ; and alternatively , even if there had been a valid contract , the principle stated above would prevent the action from lying .
16 There was no site at which phoneme identification was impaired where there was not also a disruption of oral-facial movement , although at one site ( in one patient ) movement was disrupted without any impairment of phoneme identification ( Ojemann and Mateer , 1979b ) .
17 The sun was setting and there were moments when I , too , felt like ‘ stout Cortés ’ and thought I could see the Pacific .
18 The sun was shining but there was a bank of cloud out to sea ; no discernible movement anywhere .
19 The sun was shining and there was an east wind blowing which set the clouds tumbling and their shadows rushing across the shallow hills and the craggy outcroppings .
20 It was not yet May but it was a May morning ; the sun was shining and there was that certain sparkle in the air ; air which , despite all that has been done to it , Wycliffe still found good to breathe .
21 He said : ‘ I found cycling a pleasure when the sun was shining and there was no wind .
22 But the middle drawer of the desk was locked and there was no sign of the key .
23 The whole village was involved and there was a carefully laid down ritual which had long roots far back in medieval times .
24 Yeah , I think we should minute erm our appreciation of the action taken by yourself and the clerk in resolving this matter , because we did approve work erm and it became obvious after work was commenced that there was additional work that needed to be got on with
25 As guests sat down to lunch in the company 's magnificent dining room earlier this week , the fellow with his back to the window was asked if there was too much of a draught .
26 They did , they say they got water hammer we went into the ladies toilets and one door , one cubicle was shut and there was this loud drumming noise and I said to Brenda perhaps it 's an alarm signal perhaps somebody on the other side of that door has been taken ill and has pressed some sort of alarm signal , anyway we went out and they said oh no it 's always making that noise !
27 Despite the impact of the October 1987 Stock Market crash the issue was underwritten although there was a substantial shortfall in the expected take-up .
28 Where the requirements of the model are satisfied it can thus with some truth be said that there is an ‘ utter dispersion of power ’ .
29 It must in the first place be said that there was probably nothing particularly exceptional about Jesus ' behaviour and attitudes towards women .
30 It is said that the most the justices should do if they think that contact should not take place is to say that there should be no order as to contact , leaving it to the local authority and the parent by agreement to make any other provisions they wish .
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