Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [verb] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 When teachers feel put upon and pushed around , hectored , lectured and badgered , their confidence and enthusiasm are undermined and their willingness and ability to contribute to the development of young people , as well as each other , suffers .
2 All Qualified Teachers attending the Coburg Course are reminded that their final payment of £170 is due by the end of the month .
3 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
4 The bolo de mel is made , the pig is killed and its blood collected , and small pots of lentils , wheat , maize , barley or any other cereal are planted .
5 Digestion is suspended and their food lies like a load in the stomach ; fullness and distress come on immediately after eating .
6 They feel the fighting is justified because their religion is something worth supporting and fighting for because if everybody just accepted what the other said then no-one would have the right to choose and end up with a dictatorship where one person is saying what they believe in and nobody fights back so everybody would end up having to agree .
7 In this sense , to ask whether a body is subject to judicial review is to ask whether its activities are subject to supervision according to rules and principles of public law .
8 I felt the side of my head where it had hit the bus shelter ; a bruise was forming and my eye felt sore .
9 Paul Harford , the leader of Cleveland County Council , yesterday wondered whether the investment was justified while his authority was starved of cash for hundreds of worthwhile projects .
10 Terry 's winning touch as a trainer was to wait until his devotees were in extremis on their final set of 50 press-ups , then announce sweetly , ‘ Do n't forget to smile . ’
11 The film did not attempt to explain why the Americans went to war in Vietnam , but surpassed any previous film in examining the pressures to which the American soldier was subjected and his reaction to them .
12 Sampras ' original intention was to appoint as his new coach , Tom Gullikson , w ho a few weeks earlier had parted company from Jennifer Capriati when the Florida prodigy 's father failed to persuade the USTA to pay for more than 30 weeks of work with is daughter during the year .
13 He says the fans are rather less impassioned than elsewhere in Italy , although I had to tell him that once , when Trevor Francis missed a penalty for Sampdoria , his car was bombarded and his son , Matthew , was struck by a stone .
14 The chief superintendent was seething that his friend had obviously spoken to some other people in Special Branch and that the commander was now involved .
15 The superintendent was told and his excuse was he thought we were all on the Afternoon Section .
16 But if apprenticeship was to work as its devisers hoped it relied upon the interest of freedmen in working for themselves in the time they were allotted and their generosity if their work for their former masters was to be energetic .
17 Zelaya was exonerated after his son married the daughter of the then president of Honduras .
18 What tremendous skill be displayed as his runs and passes , especially in the second half , stretched Ipswich to the limit and sometimes beyond .
19 A GANG of neo-Nazis was being hunted by police last night after two women and a 10-year-old girl were killed when their home was firebombed .
20 The work of the Architects as Project Managers Working Group , established to advise on policy in connection with Project Management , resulted in a report to Council being made and its recommendations adopted to encourage architects in this growing role and to provide for their training .
21 SOLDIERS returning from a training exercise were injured when their Army truck was in collision with an articulated lorry yesterday .
22 The functions of the judge were curtailed and his quasi-criminal jurisdiction transferred to a criminal court .
23 As they left the embassy , those who had arrived in cars were invited to leave their keys , and in return were promised that their vehicles would be brought eventually to the West .
24 If patients wish to be treated ‘ as human beings ’ and not simply as bodies to be mended or diseases to be cured , then they can not object to the social nature of their humanity being scrutinised and its relevance to therapy assessed .
25 This means that the claim to validity of his work is postponed until its success is demonstrated through its effects in an emancipatory practice .
26 The first step for any parent is to decide whether their child 's behaviour really is abnormal .
27 The parent is captured and its offspring are given the same marks ; one nick on each side of the upper beak for the Vintners ; one on one side for the Dyers ; none at all for the Royal cygnets .
28 Even more surprisingly , that memory has been shown to reside in a substance , tor if a worm that has learned the maze is killed and its flesh fed to another worm , the new one will run the maze correctly without training .
29 The Mourne boss is determined that his side will make up for their semi-final defeat by Derry last year but refuses to embrace this as an additional spur in his motivating process .
30 As the Victorian cities burst their ancient bounds many a rural village was engulfed and its character transformed .
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