Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [verb] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Can the tape be structured so that by reading serially through the file it would be simple to produce a text stream suitable for an automatic typesetting process :
2 Individual elements in the building complex were designed so that they could be separately defended if the outer defences fell .
3 It is in the interests of each individual therefore to proclaim clearly among the confusion of swarming fish , that its particular niche is occupied so that no other individual of the same species will poach its territory .
4 But the images of beauty may be lost and forgotten and a mnemonic is needed so that they can be recalled to the mind easily .
5 The honours programme is structured so that , in addition to their language studies , students take a selection of options , covering areas of Russian literature , including some study of art and film ; recent political , social and cultural developments ; and the possibility of acquiring another Slavonic language , Polish or Serbo-Croat .
6 For this reason it is vital that the new structure behind the facade is designed so that it can be dismantled without damaging the earlier structure .
7 They enjoy sharing their pleasure in their work with visitors and the Showroom is designed so that they can see the work in progress .
8 This light is tuned so that the photon energy exactly matches the desired atomic transition energy .
9 If things are really bad , you are getting nowhere and you feel that an argument is developing , the best action is to state politely that you are not willing to be interviewed in such a manner , that you are clearly wasting one another 's time and you have decided to leave .
10 Italy 's air force was told yesterday that unless it bombed fast moving lava flows pouring from Mount Etna to divert their course , the 6,500 people living at the foot of Europe 's highest volcano could face destruction .
11 In this situation the circulation was altered so that a cold polar vortex remained until the end of the simulation , thereby maintaining the presence of PSCs for a much longer period .
12 Behind my annoyance the self-preserving part of my mind was pointing out that the sooner I got going , the sooner I could be a long way from Fraxilly farmland .
13 Accordingly , the programme was designed so that it could be modified in the light of experience , and families could choose to discontinue investigation at every stage from the initial screening test to the confirmed diagnosis .
14 THE Scotch whisky industry was warned yesterday that it must aim its activities at younger drinkers to arrest the decline in sales .
15 Demolition charges had also been carefully set on machinery in the fish meal and other factories ; these small charges of gun cotton being placed so that they destroyed equipment without the risk of causing needless casualties .
16 Both door and window were curtained so that it was not possible to see inside .
17 If weights were seriously adrift , plant management were informed so that corrective action could be taken .
18 But a further extension of welfare citizenship is required , and a reform of the pension law is required so that workers are not prevented from entering the scheme on grounds of the numbers of hours worked .
19 ‘ Its development , ’ says Holyoak , ‘ would not necessitate the great cataclysm of demolition ; the plan is designed so that parts of it can be built independently in phases . ’
20 If a cube is orientated so that three of its sides are viewed symmetrically , then three VP 's will be equidistant .
21 Each department , centre , or faculty is described so that its particular academic strengths are identified .
22 The heater at the bottom is wired so that it will operate on the cheaper tariff at night to heat up the whole cylinder ; the heater at the top can be used during the day ( on full-rate tariff ) for ‘ topping up ’ when necessary
23 Much depends on how the question is formulated so that the answer is yes or no .
24 Later the law was amended so that profits from such activities could be confiscated .
25 Largely as a result of these influential criticisms , the law was altered so that the requirement of intent was abrogated .
26 This could be done more effectively if the law was changed so that it became the jury 's responsibility to assess only the actual damage to the plaintiff and the judge 's responsibility to impose an unlimited fine on the defendants according to his view of their culpability .
27 As companies grew larger and their clerical workforce expanded , clerical work was reorganized so that each worker specialized in particular tasks .
28 Randomisation was blocked so that the two possible sequences ( pork/human , human/pork ) were evenly distributed among subjects .
29 But the borough 's environmental health committee was told yesterday that the outbreak , which has been sweeping the region , is slowing down .
30 These residents , mostly old people , were determined to stay in the area , and the plan was put forward that they should be re-housed in nearby Innes Place .
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