Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] had [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Certainly no other organization could challenge the sheer size of an industry that had from the outset relied on economies of scale and realized the logic of a mass audience , but neither was there any other organization prepared to rely exclusively on entertainment , which the showmen had identified as the essence of the movies .
2 I asked him what bearing that had on the cleanliness of the cottage .
3 I suppose I was defending a monarchy that had in the past seen some unsuitable sovereigns , while he somewhat deftly applied the same argument to unsatisfactory prime ministers .
4 The partnership agreement sought to restrain outgoing partners over a period of five years from acting as a solicitor , notary , trade mark or patent agent or in any similar capacity in the Colony of Hong Kong whether as principal , clerk or assistant for any person , firm or company who was at the time of his ceasing to be a partner or had during the period of three years prior thereto been a client of the partnership …
5 Yet , stirring at the back of her mind and insistently pushing its way to the fore , the ungovernable curiosity that had in the past led her into strange , sometimes dangerous but often exciting situations was threatening to override her common sense .
6 It was wispy and very feminine , a dress she had bought for a party that had in the event been missed by at least three months .
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