Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] they [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 They so enjoyed the experience that they now do a screen of their own .
2 The Government are not about to hand out dollops of money so that inexperienced people can buy complicated equipment that they then do not know how to use .
3 and people who are prepared to discuss the issue but they just do n't come out the door to where erm , the people are that need the information .
4 As we have already seen , physics students made very strong ( hierarchical ) distinctions between physics and chemistry , and between physics and other disciplines — and even between subdivisions in the department itself ; one final-year student noted in B that ‘ on the top floor , one half is theoretical physics , one is experimental physics and they just do n't seem to mix ’ .
5 The elderly people may have a range of social connections which would understandably be given up with reluctance and they often do not at that stage need to give up their home .
6 And finally , the expert again we spoke about that , a good example really is in the computer world where you have individuals who get on really well with computers and programming but put them in a group and they really do n't provide any in fact if anything they take away from the group .
7 The hon. Member for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) shakes his head , but he should come to my constituency and I will introduce him to people who can not pay the poll tax because they simply do not have the money .
8 ‘ Hirst is not for sale at any price but they just do n't seem to want to accept that .
9 I 'm sorry I fucking came here worked out dearer this week than they normally do .
10 It happens a lot that you ring the bell and they just do n't come .
11 Men have got this thing , that they think it 's their game and they just do n't want women involved !
12 Many of the families I have worked with will ask , for example , how to engage the services of an undertaker because they just do not know .
13 ‘ Mrs Charlie 's at their front door and they still do n't get out of her reach . ’
14 Severely ill people can experience exhaustion and they simply do not have the energy to carry out the necessary preventive activities ; they are dependent on nurses and others for maintaining a safe environment .
15 at the end and they perhaps do n't bother quite so much and
16 ‘ I 've been taught that if things are n't going your way and they never do all the time when times are tough and you 're a bit low in confidence , it 's up to you to pick yourself up off the ground .
17 all of them so when her class came up , cos she 'd been with the class right from nursery and when she put into this you know , with the double third year , cos they go upstairs for third and fourth year and they really do classes below she did n't know anything in the class !
18 You know , but they should be criticised out of hand what 's going on in this country but they bloody do n't !
19 There are some people who really should n't be on the panel because they really do n't know enough about the job .
20 Yes , I mean this is the point I 'll be developing later , later in , in , in the lectures , I 'm currently spending a lot of time kind of researching and thinking about this , but i i it 's ultimately the question of genes affect behaviour and more and more I come to the to the view that they probably do so erm through what we call our emotions , that our genes kind of erm guide us to do so and things through various subjective feelings like when we 're hungry , we , we know we 're hungry and it 's a subjective feeling of hunger .
21 You can tell them till you 're blue in the face and they still do what they want .
22 It is the responsibility and duty of investors and businesses to take a long-term view and they increasingly do so .
23 They have about 14 guitars on stage and they actually do seem to have to half destroy their guitars to get those sounds out of them !
24 It would be an excellent idea to provide your Porcupine Puffer with a separate tank , but do n't introduce another into the same tank because they just do n't get on and one of them would almost certainly die .
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