Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] are often [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Radio , television and films project images of sophisticated living that are often presented as being available to all who work hard enough .
2 Some southern populations winter in the forest ; northern populations winter in the snow but are often found further north than any other mammals ( Anderson and Lent , 1977 ) .
3 During normal brewing with leaf hops these flavours are released rapidly into the hot wort and are often appreciated in the vicinity of the brewery during boiling .
4 Opinions are usually communicated over the telephone and are often given within 24 hours .
5 Large umbrellas offer high visibility and are often branded .
6 Other illustrations may be incorporated in the text and are often called ‘ cuts ’ or ‘ figures ’ .
7 Life , as it is lived in classrooms and on the terraces , has almost none of the characteristics of anarchy and impulsiveness that are often attributed to it .
8 However , all the important branches of physics are now seen as engineering subjects in their own right and are often taught without much of the underlying physics .
9 Like the reports of the NAO , the reports of the Commission receive wide attention and are often referred to in the media .
10 This takes on an added significance when it is remembered that geriatrics and the terminally ill are regarded as the failures of the health service and are often consigned to the young and inexperienced who , as one doctor recently put it , ‘ do strive very officiously to keep people alive because they are interested scientifically and they want to use every method they can as part of their training ’ .
11 Fabrics are not always given a particular name but are often referred to just by the fibre content , e.g. , cotton or polyester print .
12 They are intended for use on top of a work bench and are often used by the artist when in a sitting position .
13 They are intended for use on top of a work bench and are often used by the artist when in a sitting position .
14 Professionals , in contrast to members of other occupations , claim and are often accorded complete autonomy in their work .
15 To the adult mind , the shifts of logic that are often involved do not come easily ; but children accustomed to personification in fairy tales , or to the surreal and fantastic , can accommodate elephants who do house-work , or noisy peanuts , and the occasional Dali-esque touch : What is soft and yellow and goes round and round ?
16 Disabled people have the capacity and the right to be productive contributors to society but are often perceived as passive recipients of services .
17 In old males the tusks grow to a great length and are often broken , as if by combat , so there may be something in this theory .
18 Exhibitions and trade shows are expensive but good ways to promote a message or an image and are often used for direct selling .
19 In older horses infections rarely become patent but are often associated with persistent coughing and an increased respiratory rate .
20 The simplest are fine earth spots , which stand out like molehills on a lawn and are often defined by rings of large pebbles or stones , which they appear to have shouldered aside .
21 In practice the terms and conditions of employment of sub-contractors will vary from company to company and are often drafted with a substantial bias in the builder 's favour .
22 While it is true that many large Victorian family houses have been successfully converted into small flats , the smaller suburban-style houses built in the 1920s and 1930s and copied in the ‘ garden cities ’ and new towns of the 1940s are less amenable to conversion and are often located in such a way within the city that they will have an effect on the life-style and employment opportunities of men and women for generations to come ( McDowell , 1983 ) .
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