Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] you [be] use " in BNC.

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1 The amplifier that you 're using on this tour , is that the Ray Butts amp that you used on Elvis 's ‘ Comeback Special ’ ?
2 The one drawback is that bounce is not very efficient in its use of lighting power compared with direct lighting , and you may find that the illumination level is on the low side unless you are using floodlamps of high wattage .
3 So lets convert some per centages into decimals , because this is the trick that you were using , last time you were very good at it .
4 Once you have conditioned barbel to feed ravenously they are ridiculously easy to catch , assuming of course that you are using tackle which is adequate enough to handle these tremendously hard-fighting fish .
5 Such would be the case if you were using RotoSound 's Starfire Xtra Wrap strings .
6 Once you have drawn all the outlines of the basic design on to the tracing paper , you can then transfer them to the canvas or linen that you are using .
7 You can see the version of MS-DOS that you are using by including $V , and there are also several options for including special characters such as the backspace or carriage return line feed .
8 Now this kind of ordering text on a page if you 're using a typewriter takes quite a lot of skill but if you 're a , with a word processor it 's actually quite easy .
9 but I I I do n't understand the word that you 're using Mr .
10 ( TRACE is generally a more useful aid to tracing a program 's flow unless you are using formatted screen displays . )
11 CAUTION : Do not use secondary cacheing in the buffers= line if you 're using any other cacheing program .
12 It 's not the same situation as you are used to in Europe .
13 An interesting question is whether any particular crash is due to the hardware or the software that you are using .
14 This is no problem if you are using a charting device but will require extra calculation if you want to follow the written pattern where the numbers stated for rows and stitches will now apply .
15 This is no problem if you are using a charting device but will require extra calculation if you want to follow the written pattern where the numbers stated for rows and stitches will not now apply .
16 They only get in the way when you 're using a keyboard and anyway they 're easy to get off because the glue 's not up to much .
17 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
18 This should ideally be part of a course of lessons from a skilled teaching professional if you are to use your time and effort efficiently .
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