Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] was [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can wait for you , ’ she said huskily , and Claudia wanted nothing more than to leave a car that was rapidly becoming far too small for three .
2 To have run the most glorious run of your life , to have become the first European to break ten seconds , to do it in an Olympic final — and then to be falsely accused of drug-taking by an officialdom that was frantically sniffing out Ben Johnsons like a Salem witchfinder !
3 ‘ Here , there is an atmosphere of optimism that was totally lacking in London ’ .
4 Brother Winfrid , big and young and wholesome , was leaning on his spade at the edge of the vegetable patch beyond , and gazing after a diminutive figure that was just scuttling away round the corner of the box hedge towards the great court .
5 He screamed as loudly as his horse that was now blocking the high road with its failing death throes .
6 The woman twisted her mouth to the side in an expression of some scepticism , and glanced narrowly at the horse that was gratefully cropping the grass around them .
7 Lastly , in the project for a prison institution that was then developing , punishment was seen as a technique for the coercion of individuals ; it operated methods of training the body — not signs — by the traces it leaves , in the form of habits , in behaviour ; and it presupposed the setting up of a specific power for the administration of the penalty ( ibid. , p. 130–1 ) .
8 She took the kitten in its little cardboard box to the bedroom and was constantly getting up all night , peering at the tiny bundle of black fur .
9 I just knew it would be a trick question to start the contest and was desperately groping for a trick answer when Swartz said ‘ Silverstone ’ and scored his opening point .
10 She had braked the pram outside a newsagent and was just stooping to pick up Charlotte and take her inside for the chocolate , when she thought : I must n't .
11 Midnight had left the doorway and was already running across the yard .
12 Aunt Louise had the vocal range of the born actress and was now using a deep ( though soft ) organ note .
13 The trouble with Ben was , he still thought he was in the police force and was constantly leaving scribbled messages about procedures for patrolling the yard and checking the padlocks and bolts .
14 He missed most of last season but has run well this term and was certainly going as strongly as anything before making a mistake at the third last in the Gold Cup .
15 She had read law as an undergraduate and was now reading for the Bar .
16 Thankfully , she had n't even noticed that Charity had changed from the blue wrap-around skirt and was now wearing red shorts with her white silk blouse .
17 He glanced over his left shoulder and saw the three other officers were still two hundred yards away , then a shouted challenge from his right revealed that the French Lieutenant had succeeded in turning his horse and was now spurring back to make a new attack .
18 This local firm built and repaired motor cars and motor bicycles ; and it was not long before this stocky , young man with an engaging smile and tousled , fair , ginger hair that was forever falling into his eyes was completely at home in the workshops .
19 Nearby was the base camp for the New Zealand Division that was away fighting in the front line .
20 There was something solid and comforting about the big detective 's presence that was already having a restorative effect .
21 All she could recall with any certainty was the tender , soothing voice in a dream that was rapidly becoming a nightmare .
22 The Gruff 's had a marmalade tom cat that was always getting into trouble .
23 The plan that was now beginning to hatch in her mind depended , however , upon whether or not Fred 's parrot was really as good a talker as Fred made out .
24 They were discussing a machine that was continually breaking down .
25 And as I looked at my little daughter , bright-eyed and ready to challenge the world , I could only pray that I would be ‘ good enough ’ in the new dance that was just beginning .
26 Though he was n't to know this , it was a gesture of defiance that was slowly becoming a sexual need .
27 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
28 He spoke with a deference that was almost fawning : they were fighting to save their country from an atheistic dictatorship .
29 The third rig , holding Deputy Fenton 's four-man guard detail and their captives , had pulled onto the wide verge ahead of Rocky 's vehicle and was now awaiting more prisoners to fill its spacious interior , if all went according to plan .
30 I went up to his suite at the Monogram and was just opening my sample case when , imagine my surprise … ’
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