Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] it [adv] seem " in BNC.

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1 The Americans led 54–41 at half-time and it always seemed they could step up a few gears when required .
2 Sometimes composers decorate their music to such a degree that it almost seems to be the main substance of the music .
3 There is no known preventive measure and it simply seems a matter either of good or bad luck whether your ferrets suffer it or not .
4 I would really love to have long hair but it never seems to grow at the back , only at the fringe !
5 ‘ There are always so many firings in radio that it hardly seems a big deal any more . ’
6 Caroline Bynum has suggested that the association of women with nature was , at least for thirteenth-century religious , not the negative image that it now seems , but a positive source of spiritual strength and energy .
7 The circulation was a new record and four hundred and eighty five thousand , nine hundred by year end and it just seems to go from strength to strength .
8 It is precisely because Berlin is such a true mirror of so much European history that it always seems to embody so much of the darker , subconscious side of the European identity .
9 Paris may have slipped behind Birmingham in the calendar this year but it hardly seemed to matter .
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