Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] is [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike methanogenesis , however , the product is not a harmless gut , but is highly toxic hydrogen sulphide , an agent that is potentially damaging to the colonic epithelium .
2 When an echo from a distant object finally arrives back at the bat , it will be an " older " echo than an echo that is simultaneously arriving back from a near object .
3 Think of all the hands-on psychical research that is just coming at you free of charge .
4 What does it take to build a car that is both relaxing to drive , yet can make the world fly by ?
5 While welcoming the briefing that is continually taking place , may I press the Secretary of State to bear in mind that the reserve forces are always an important aspect of our national forces ?
6 Now they guard the body , which is motionless in a lake of blood that is rapidly drying , drunk by the thirsty , insatiable soil .
7 Susan Hyland joined the British Foreign Service , while Anne McGivern survived the torturous B.C.L. programme and is now training to be a barrister in Northern Ireland .
8 Name switch : Nexus , the electronic payment services group , has changed its name to that of its majority French shareholder and is now trading as Sligos Payment Services .
9 Perry has taken a generous hit from his lover and is now nodding off .
10 Bought four years ago from Johnson Matthey , it has since trebled turnover and is now making healthy profits .
11 The man that rarely smiles on camera , dresses like crap and is quietly emerging as the biggest sex-symbol despite-everything since Roland Rivron .
12 That 's starting to take er effect and is actually beginning to er , to pay off .
13 Cambridge , Massachusetts-based Thinking Machines Corp has sold one of its new massively parallel CM-5 Scale 3 computers to US management and technology consultants Booz , Allen & Hamilton , McLean , Virginia : the machine will be used as a ‘ computing powerhouse ’ in the firm 's System Resource Center ; Booz Allen specialises in data analysis , scheduling and database applications for government and industry and is currently developing massively parallel applications for identifying fraud by analysing transaction data , and applications that analyse credit card sales to track customers ' purchasing behaviour .
14 Indeed , comparative legal analysis forms a well-recognised feature of traditional legal scholarship and is increasingly becoming a focus of legal study in its own right .
15 It jumped headfirst into the 1980s property boom and is now paying the price : the ebbing tide has revealed not only severe recession damage , but also gaping holes which should have been plugged years ago .
16 A TALENTED teenager gets a kick out of football but is also hitting a high note as a singer .
17 The picture painted is gloomy , but there is a very effective method of agriculture that is slowly gaining credence amongst farmers , government and consumers alike .
18 Certain other polymers , with loose crosslinked molecular networks , can , in even tinier amounts , convert water to a soft sticky gel that is hardly lubricating at all .
19 She explains that Thru is ‘ a text that is really constructing itself and then destroying itself as it goes along … whenever I slide into a realistic scene … something happens later to destroy it , to show that these are just words on a page ’ ( 4 ) .
20 Mirth is part of the happy life for it confers an effervescence and scintillation that is otherwise lacking .
21 Classes or discussion groups on women 's writing command an enthusiastic response that is often lacking in mainstream teaching .
22 The collision was on a town centre route that is fast becoming an accident blackspot .
23 And for yourself , and what we do n't wan na do is like I say , is spend money that is just gon na disappear and say shit !
24 I think that the money that is actually getting put into Scotland in tourism , I mean I come from Sterling and
25 In a given choice situation , there is no universal criterion that dictates a decision that is logically compelling for the ’ rational ’ scientist .
26 ‘ The marriage between Soviet Jews and Israel is a marriage that is probably going to happen , ’ argues Yuri Stern , ‘ whether or not the bride and groom feel they are really ready for it . ’
27 Every diocese that is actively pursuing the problem has appointed a Redundant Churches Uses Committee whose task it is to seek out suitable alternative uses .
28 What he did was relatively harmless , yet somewhere deep down it damaged me and gave me a streak of recklessness that is still having consequences even today .
29 A high specification of housework rules can be seen as a common response to a common problem — the problem being how to make sense of work that is intrinsically unsatisfying under conditions where less and less of it need be done ( through automation , ‘ convenience ’ foods , better housing conditions , etc ) , but where the structural pressures which assign women to the home remain as strong as ever .
30 But the republics know that the help that is increasingly coming in technical assistance and the possible eventual macroeconomic help is tied to the prospect of reform and is dependent on the continued impetus of both political and economic reform .
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