Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This did happen frequently for a variety of reasons , but it was usually because of a worsening of weather conditions either at home base or over the target area .
2 This raises public awareness and the press is always interested in hard statistics ; so if you can say several hundred people signed the petition in an afternoon or over the course of a few days it will undoubtedly earn you publicity .
3 Constance frequently reiterated that she would never buy anything that had belonged to somebody else , that meant something to them , that had been warm against their skin or over the fireplace : only brand-new articles , the stuff of commerce in transit between factory and store , the owners of which already had more money than was good for them and were themselves no better than they should be .
4 Precedent 4 is a document which would be used where second hand goods were sold , for instance , at auction or over the counter , rather than in the context of a sale governed by a set of standard terms and conditions .
5 ‘ And are you , or are you not , sick as a parrot or over the moon respectively , about increased charges for changing rooms and pitches ? ’
6 They came from the big houses down the loch or over the pass towards Loch Lomond , or the castle at Inverary , from miles and miles , little girls in furred and caped coats and dresses gathered into heavy bows behind the cascades of ringlets .
7 One trader happened to have a case of brylcream in stock and over the course of several months he saw the retail price of his 144 jars increase : it doubled , trebled , eventually quintupled .
8 Thus in the first twelve years of his reign he received an average of about £26,000 per annum from extraordinary revenue and over the reign as a whole about £13,500 per annum .
9 Apart from the pictures from the camera trained on the area of primary interest , others images , were recorded on the same tape and when played displayed on the three other quarters of the video screen contemporaneously , were from cameras situated in other areas of the club and over the entrance door .
10 Not surprisingly British ministers continued to deal warily with the United States , concerned both for their own freedom of action and over the reliability of the Americans as friends .
11 The deeply moated site of the former manor house marks the edge of the old settlement ; sheep now graze peacefully over the remains of the village and over the ridge and furrow patterns of what were once the communal arable fields .
12 The premises had recently been painted in a garish olive green and over the shopfront large gilt lettering announced it as ‘ Bradley 's Dining Rooms ’ .
13 Instinctively drawing in his limbs and curling his long back , the Perk sailed out of her grasp and over the edge of the steps like a furry stone in a leather jerkin .
14 In a letter to the Secretary of State , I outlined my deep concern over the case and over the way in which the allegation by Mrs. X had been investigated .
15 Their near-simultaneity was coincidence , in the sense of being beyond all collusion and foreknowledge , though all were by graduates of Oxford engaged in teaching and over the age of thirty .
16 ‘ Not two miles from Atholl Castle — across the ford and over the hill .
17 Anyone possessing the gall to launch three blows into orbit and over the fence in the opening 20 minutes of the day , as Hooper did at The Oval last August when West Indies were following on , is no mere mortal .
18 I like us to think for a little while this morning just what it means to be a Christian , we 've been hearing and seeing and been challenged and accepting Christ as our saviour and over the week in Harlow a number made that response and not only in Harlow and in Earls Court but right across the country and into Europe and into Africa as well , through the , through the life link , men and women who have been challenged into accepting Jesus Christ as their saviour and I 'd like us to think for a little while this morning just what it means to be a Christian now obviously as we perhaps know er , and , and , and God work clearly shows to us that it is not in being religion , somebody well said that religion is man 's attempt to find God but the gospel is God 's method of seeking out and finding men and so just as the same as you 've seen that bridge of life illustration and we try with our planks to get across to God we ca n't make it ,
19 He ran down the field and over the brook to the cattle-wade .
20 He watched curiously as the Men and the People followed him across the field and over the fence which the tree was beyond .
21 He was polite but distant after that for the rest of the week , and there was no suggestion that they should get together in the evening or over the weekend .
22 Doris Clay , part-time barmaid , had not been to work on Friday evening nor over the weekend .
23 Making a retail price was Sotheby 's lot 278 , a fine Meissen Augustus Rex bottle vase of 1725–30 , estimated at £20–30,000 , it was contested in various places in the room and over the telephone , selling in the room for £42,000 ( $63,000 ) .
24 All young people falling into that category but over the age of 18 who have not been available for YT because of disability , ill health , pregnancy , a custodial sentence , remand or language difficulty are entitled to an offer of a suitable YT programme and to receive such training .
25 ‘ There will be a great variety but over the day some carols may be repeated because we want to make sure we have enough truly popular ones so people can sing along and raise the roof . ’
26 The neat , sturdy water-buses pass by , on their way to the railway station or over the Basin to the Lido ; they used to be steam-powered , which is why they are called vaporetti .
27 But our experience has shown the public did n't take advantage of the facility except over the Christmas and New Year period . ’
28 Another big advantage of Creation 6 as far as the Duomatic user is concerned , is that the programme allows you to see your design in full colour and over the whole 180 needles , or however wide the knitting is to be , before committing punch to card .
29 A comfortable little dacha in the peace of the countryside , perhaps , or a manipulated exit visa , a chance to get over the border and over the wall ?
30 It is perhaps significant that whereas Haycocks I eventually produced a DES Circular , this one was issued only as an ACSTT Report , endorsed by the Advisory Committee as a whole and over the signature of the Chairman of the Sub-Committee .
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