Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [vb base] it [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those blessed with a prophetic vision of soccer 's future , like Mike Channon and myself , are often completely ignored or misunderstood , whereas charlatans who would not know one end of a football from another , the Reg Pybuses and Howard Wilkinsons of this world , suck up to mediocrity and call it talent .
2 The tragic ending of Hi 's chivalrous mission is proper to the emotional tone of the book : his feelings , his anxiety and longing , his anger and impatience , his hope and fear , run along with the concrete , forceful adventure plot and give it purpose .
3 He did not wish to make a desert and call it peace .
4 Why do n't we just empty this whole deck and search it room by room ? ’
5 Tacitus records that just before his death the defeated Calgacus denounced the Romans as ‘ Pillagers of the world … to robbery , butchery and rapine they give the lying name of ‘ government ’ ; they create desolation and call it peace . ’
6 If , however , you get elected and you then have to carry out your policies , then of course you face the real world and the you ca n't have your cake and eat it problem .
7 I mean you ca n't , he said you know , have your cake and eat it sort of thing
8 Instead they seem to close ranks against any criticism and label it persecution .
9 It 's just a special , because it 's a special fraction that we use a lot we just give it a special name and call it percentage , but any time someone says to you like er what 's , let's try this one , now you were saying about point seven five and things
10 Three little kittens , three little kittens , see how they run , see how they came , along came the father and make it hat , when he put his hat on and said
11 TRANSDUCTION : Some bacterial viruses ( bacteriophages ) , after they have infected an E. coli cell , combine with some of their host 's DNA and make it part of themselves .
12 How can we enter into this happiness and make it part of our lives ?
13 They 'll do anything to make you dependent on them , and then they drag you to the altar and call it love . ’
14 However , should we decide to consider the Bill in a Committee of the whole House , the first set of amendments tabled by the Opposition — should the Opposition win the vote or should we accede to them — would torpedo the Bill below the water line and sink it lock , stock and barrel .
15 Once there were three brothers , kings , who decided to build a city and call it Skadar .
16 Well you could put another O on the end and make it zoo .
17 Concertina invitations If your child has a favourite animal or activity , cut the card into shape but make it concertina fashion and place the different questions on the invitation in separate places .
18 From them a new vision and emotion will emanate to solace the soul and give it joy .
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