Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] came [coord] " in BNC.

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1 And I rung for an ambulance and it came and we took her up and sat with her , and they kept her in for four days .
2 He was stationed in an old chapel in Chuckery because the Americans once they 'd started they were putting them everywhere or anywhere they could just get to be with them before V Day they were even in little chapels , churches , outhouses anywhere they could possibly and there were guns and bits of trucks on every spot of land where they could get them the er , I 'm getting out of context I was just thinking about a tank , a First World War tank that they used to have those as well in the field gun in the er arboretum which were disappeared soon after the war they went for scrap and they came and they used , people used to have a lot of wrought iron railings as well they took those as well they came along with burners and went off to the war effort , but er like I say the Americans and of course as kids they were very generous with kids and we absolutely loved them .
3 She was prepared for the move when it came and followed Claudia Hamilton and the other ladies upstairs .
4 As he says in his autobiography , ‘ I had to take every race as it came and just try to win it because whatever happened to Niki — and the Ferrari was not relevant to me at that point .
5 ‘ But I decided to take my chance when it came and make it hard for Paul to get back . ’
6 I went rubbish cos he came and said to me the other day oh so how are you enjoying your first term
7 A running and ringing in the darkening afternoon , urgent voices on the phone and the grind and clang of the lift as it came and went .
8 And the following visit he made here he brought with him Miss Virginia she was one of the personnel at Stepney Causeway she was the Miss Virginia , the niece of the line and she came and she said that she would help in erm doing some organisation and and giving us some insight as to what we had to do , because we had never run a fete in all our lives !
9 Then my dad 's car was here , and the first person who came out was my dad and he came and put his arm round me .
10 It would be a good idea if you came and stayed with me .
11 This one could n't rape a prostitute if she came and sat on his knee .
12 MacDiarmid waved him forward with a commanding sweep of his arm and he came and sat at the end of the table .
13 She shook her head , lifting her coat down from the peg , her heart beating double time as he came and took it from her to slide it smoothly up her arms .
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