Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes strayed to the card that she still held in her hand and she almost started as she saw , written in plain bold print , a name that had featured with such regularity recently in the headlines of the business section of the local newspaper that she could not fail to recognise it .
2 I wanted to be a winner when I played football and I still do as a manager . ’
3 Mike Morley says I have always refuted that allegation and I still do .
4 Er you I take it you have n't changed your mind and you still maintain that exceptional circumstances are necessary , because that is how you view , how you read paragraph nine of P P G Two ?
5 Four of our six patients with active disease were on steroid therapy and they still had a greater absorption of PEGs than the patients in remission and controls .
6 Karen went to a wedding and er somebody 's wedding and she still has a dress .
7 They 're in love with rhythm but they still believe in songs .
8 He 's only doing it for my own good but I still do n't like it .
9 My second term after Christmas was much smoother as a result but it still held problems .
10 ‘ Pieter Huistra , Dale Gordon and Oleg Kuznetsov are n't included because of the three foreigner rule but we still have four non-Scots , so one will have to make way .
11 no they do at the Samuel Beckett , it 's the and okay , it 's a good new Embassy advert but I still do n't smoke Embassy because they 're horrible .
12 The sounds were muffled from up on the roof but they still bugged me so I went indoors .
13 Sometimes these sophisticated nine-year-olds really do seem to have the bug but I still feel a bit uncomfortable encouraging them because they are so young .
14 We have now expanded into more expensive wear but we still keep the basic image of a working class shoe .
15 I think it 's actually still inbuilt in erm children 's minds , and I think it 's sometimes the mother 's own fault because they still bring them up , you know like , girls will do this and boys will do that , I think that is actually still still there , you know .
16 He was thinking of Hilbert 's shot-gun that he still had but which he should perhaps not keep much longer .
17 Ruth loved him as much as ever , and hoped against hope that he still felt the same way about her , but somehow , something had been lost .
18 Nonetheless , the right of journalists and broadcasters to demand trial by jury , in those areas of criminal law where it still exists , is an important security against interference with media freedoms — for reasons explained in 1885 by Dicey , the leading writer on our unwritten constitution : " Freedom of discussion is , then , in England little else than the right to write or say anything which a jury , consisting of 12 shopkeepers , think it expedient should be said or written …
19 And what pride she had , that transcended her meagre purse and the threadbare pelisse that so little kept out the winter cold that she still wore it inside the house , and had been obliged to come down from her room to seek a little warmth from the dying fire .
20 Unfortunately , she had to withdraw from the Symposium , feeling that the effort was too much considering the work that she still required to do on her own Flora .
21 Without it , your employer risks making decisions on the basis of inadequate information and you risk losing your job without having been given sufficient opportunity to convince management that you still have something to contribute .
22 DIGI DUB serve up a welcome listen of techno ragga , electro and dub , blending them to such a degree that they still remain hard to categorise , dealing in each style with equal authority and adeptness throughout and as inventive as anything you 'll find plagiarising these genres .
23 The procedure continues for weeks with the man unable to tell the girl that he still buys the ticket even though he no longer has a car , and the girl not wanting to hurt his feelings by revealing that she is just taking a short cut , walking through the car park on her way to W. H. Smith .
24 I sent , I wrote off to Friends of the Earth , I got a load of information all about the law and she still phones me up and say oh you know what the District Council 's they wo n't do anything and the N R A was n't doing anything .
25 And we go way back — way , way back , back to the time when you could still buy mono records , when kiwi fruit were yet to be devised , when the khaki-clad representative of the Automobile Association would salute the passing motorist , when a packet of Gold Flake cost a groat and a half and you still had change for a flagon of mead .
26 Well , wee Roderick-dhu though , he 's four and a half and she still breastfeeds him .
27 She would have liked them to go to his regimental museum and I still feel that would be one of the best homes for them .
28 I knew I 'd found my spiritual home and I still think Bob Seger is crap .
29 Most of her rent — £96 a month — is covered by housing benefit but she still has to pay about half of her poll tax .
30 Nobody who read the Bible could legitimately doubt that miracles had once occurred ; the question whether they still did so became for doubters a test of their faith .
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