Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] 've have " in BNC.

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1 That 's , that 's true , eh , I mean the alloy in the other ones have to be quite crafty when you get up to twenty two carat for example and eh , very eh , eh , large chunk of gold in it , and it can indeed be very soft , but then you see that 's an eighteen carat ring that I 've had for , worn , all the time for twenty four years
2 Besides I have paid £14 for this seat so you 've had it .
3 Undoubtedly , some of you will be , but there must be one or two people who are actually dreading Christmas er bearing in mind that they 've had to ask somebody whom they do n't really want in their house , or perhaps that person or people have asked themselves , and it 's very difficult to know how to refuse is n't it really ?
4 We 'll probably take this on paper , so the reason it 's on the agenda is to tell you as a department that we 've had this sent to us , erm we 've got a meeting later this week to actually sit down and analyse it and to put something on paper to send up to command .
5 It 's been fairly blustery the odd day but there 's frost and especially the snow that they 've had down further south it seems to be helping us up here I would say and it 's with the with the land work especially got the slurry and stuff of that kind .
6 And I think the overall figure that we 've had produced , which is around the six point two percent , is still a very substantial level of vacant dwellings within the county .
7 It looked like the Red Rock that I 've had .
8 ‘ Unfortunately , we 've been caught up in the crossfire and we 've had people on to us saying they 'll never smoke Camel cigarettes again .
9 Anyway you ca n't go in the car cos you 've had some drink .
10 The fact that we 've got partnership holders and sanctuary housing association , would seem to me that we 're quite likely to get relocation and we 've had all round the town at the moment , and you would have to agree that here is a very strong reason for , for the medical centre to be worried about the effect on the medical centre .
11 Barely looking at his wife , Harold said , ‘ I thought I 'd drive Felicity down to see the College after we 've had a cup of tea . ’
12 The purpose of general management is to try and ensure that in the city that we are getting the best value we can from the health resources that are in the city , and I have the authority now , and the responsibility to spend the budget that I 've had allocated from the Oxfordshire Health Authority , by Gerald Simon who 's the general manager .
13 They want to place on record the generous support that they 've had from you and for the , yes in a moment , the seconder of the emergency motion for er moving her support .
14 The game about to be got under way here , it 's the second time of course that we 've had the taste of European football in just er inside a few weeks here at Lane , a very poor night for weather , you who 've not ventured out well , I think we understand that er because er as we say , it 's not a night when you would turn the dog out .
15 well this case I 'm afraid does n't lend itself to short entirely impossible , er Mr maybe have to say erm will lead to the questions and then for example spent er a long time on questions this afternoon that I 've had for you Mr
16 would n't have been the reading that we were given , because she said the brief in the erm th the work that we 've had to read
17 Well that 's that is I think everyone who 's ever worked on computers , editing or word processors , has been very fascinated by the change of attitude that they 've had , that somehow it is n't finished .
18 Well that is I think everyone who 's ever worked on computers , editing or word processing , has been very fascinated by the change of attitude that they 've had , that somehow it is n't finished , it 's never finished .
19 Vested interests have defended the status quo with great skill and determination and they 've had their axes sharpened using er sharpeners energised by the oxygen of Labour 's irresponsible backing off .
20 So farmers would have to use this against sheep scab and they 've have to use other dips or sprays against fly strike in the sum sum summer .
21 Anything to do with geometry unless you 've had a lot of practice and you 're very good at it , you can finish up wasting time .
22 I shall need a new one by the winter because I 've had that for four
23 Now this will definitely test your listening skills and , I know it 's getting late in the afternoon and you 've had a heavy meal , but you really do have to concentrate because the feedback you give him is now , or her rather , is now vitally important , okay , cos you have n't got a second bite of the cherry .
24 I 've had the bollocking cos we 've had to buy butter .
25 He says thousands of families have already been thrown into chaos and we 've had the first suicide as a result of the operations of the Child Support Agency .
26 ‘ You 've got all my money and I 've had no dinner meself for three days , ’ I said .
27 I 'm quite prepared to be a single mum and I 've had offers from male friends who 'd like children but do n't want a wife , and I 'm tempted .
28 Shall we leave it that I will consider making a direction at the next hearing in relation to that figure and the question of any interest thereon but will defer any such er decision until you 've had time to consider it .
29 I ca n't do anything with him , yet this other kid 's absolutely brilliant , and I think it 's a shame that I 've had to leave , like let the temps .
30 Erm we do n't see a great deal of difference that they 've had the same problem as we 've had , in that we ran out of time before we could put the er finished act together properly .
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