Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] just have " in BNC.

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1 There has been so much interest in the industrial side while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
2 Some farmers have been so convinced by industry-generated publicity over the absence of a proper income that they just have n't bothered declaring any income .
3 It does n't give them any incentive to work if you just have everything nationalized and well cos they know they 're not gon na get sacked .
4 I 'm going through a stage where erm , I 'm cooking them lunch and they just have a
5 Doctors have given her more than a fighting chance and I just have that to cling to . ’
6 Of course , being in the choir it gives you practice reading music because you just have one line to follow
7 ‘ I was so incensed I bought the hospital and I just have n't got around to firing — restaffing it .
8 It was a duty and I just have to take this one down .
9 and it 's freezing even in summer and you just have to get under them blankets for another five minutes !
10 The trousers you get flared , but that 's no problem cos you just have them altered .
11 As an auditionee I knew I worked best if I attempted something outrageous so I prepared Lord Foppington from The Relapse and you just have to let go with his Lordship otherwise there 's no point to it .
12 I think you 'll just have to move your house so you just have to do a couple of miles .
13 The problem we 've got with Greenpeace they might not have so much in the way of merchandise and they just have the stickers and
14 ‘ This ban is a pain but I just have to get on with it and make the most of the top games I am allowed to play between now and the Five Nations ' . ’
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