Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] be use " in BNC.

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1 To harden a royal icing , for instance where it is used as part of a structure or decoration , a tiny amount only of acetic acid or cream of tartar could be added .
2 Far above on the moor we could see some new machinery which meant that someone was working out the tailings for spar and barytes for the North Sea oil industry where they 're used in the drilling Processes .
3 It had crossed her mind that he was using her , but was n't she using him ?
4 The platform may have been left , although there is no indication that it was used until Stretford Bridge began to appear in the timetable as a request stop in 1890 .
5 The amplifier that you 're using on this tour , is that the Ray Butts amp that you used on Elvis 's ‘ Comeback Special ’ ?
6 The Brache Estate sports ground occupies land sold by the late Lady Zia Wernher to the car company on condition that it be used for sport .
7 This bacterium has a battery of three genes ( G 1 , G 2 , G 3 in the figure ) , which code for proteins ( P 1 , P 2 , P 3 ) needed by the cell if it is to use galactosides ( energy-rich compounds which may or may not be present in the surroundings ) .
8 Multidimensional data refers to information such as maps , genetic diagrams and physical characteristics like height and weight and it is used in applications like geographic information systems and medical imaging .
9 Human thinking and language would dissolve into a topsy-turvy jumble of uncertainty if we were to use the word know as if it were interchangeable with words like guess or dream , or if we were to say right when we really meant wrong .
10 The one drawback is that bounce is not very efficient in its use of lighting power compared with direct lighting , and you may find that the illumination level is on the low side unless you are using floodlamps of high wattage .
11 A dedicated machine can be an expensive luxury unless it 's used regularly . ’
12 And there is no reason why consumer-led movements in the West ( and particularly Japan ) can not make it as unacceptable to use tropical hardwoods in the future as it is to use , say , CFC aerosol sprays today .
13 Although moods are likely to be important in driving , subjective risk as defined in the previous chapter appears to be more similar to concepts such as emotional stress or arousal as they are used in the memory literature .
14 Hirtle 1975 : 37 for examples with realize , agree and understand ) , its meaning places it in the unique position of becoming the equivalent of a verb of perception when it is used in the operative sense .
15 This regulatory code is put to even greater effect when it is used to turn an exchange of missiles between rioters and police into a surreal game of football in which the rules have been deliberately bent to give the ‘ opposing team ’ an unfair advantage !
16 So lets convert some per centages into decimals , because this is the trick that you were using , last time you were very good at it .
17 In a shadowy corner of the cook tent , Ngo Van Loc crouched beside an upturned packing case that he was using as a makeshift writing-table .
18 Once you have conditioned barbel to feed ravenously they are ridiculously easy to catch , assuming of course that you are using tackle which is adequate enough to handle these tremendously hard-fighting fish .
19 Examples of its use in various ways are to be found in Tristan and Parsifal ( many unaccompanied recitative-like passages ) , Tchaikovsky 's ‘ Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy ’ from the Nutcracker Suite ( very few notes , but marvellously effective ) , Elgar 's Symphony No. 2 ( endless examples of bass clarinet doublings ) , Stravinsky 's Petrushka ( in the 1st scene where it is used with two ordinary clarinets during the extraordinarily realistic hurdy-gurdy episode , and in the Moor 's scene later on with grotesquely sinister effect ) .
20 These ways have become so much a part of the fabric of dance that they are used almost unknowingly by teachers and dancers .
21 Grinders should be held at a shallow angle of between 15 and 30° to the work when they are used to abrade the surface .
22 above , could also be used to translate the meaning of run as it is used in any or all of groups 2–4 .
23 For example , if the accused hires a room for gymnastics when it is used for band practice , he is guilty .
24 At this level video can be the provider of real world experience if it is used to put advanced learners in the same position as native speakers .
25 Such would be the case if you were using RotoSound 's Starfire Xtra Wrap strings .
26 His teachings were regarded as being of such importance that they are used unaltered to this day at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna .
27 I told you on Saturday evening that he 's using you , just as he 's used me . ’
28 Some attributes of God so express the heart of his divine nature that they are used as titles :
29 Once you have drawn all the outlines of the basic design on to the tracing paper , you can then transfer them to the canvas or linen that you are using .
30 These Societies were in opposition to the differentiation and autonomization model of modernity that I am using in this paper .
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