Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [was/were] on " in BNC.

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1 She wanted an indication that she was on target for a good performance in the London Marathon on April 21 .
2 The 499 ton salvage tug then sent out a Mayday distress call to the effect that she was on fire and sinking .
3 If a pond and beacon were both on the line , you would only see the reflection of the beacon in the pond if you were on the line too .
4 A hurried tea and they were on the move again .
5 I went to see what he wanted and before I knew it I was bundled into the car and we were on our way home .
6 He put it in gear and they were on their way .
7 The weather was giving promise of an early spring and they were on their way northwards , to Nahum 's father .
8 Within an hour he had kissed Maeve adieu and they were on the road south to Westminster .
9 Burns became a cult figure because he was on the winning side , but appeared late enough on the scene to be able to sentimentalise the vanquished , thereby creating the illusion at least of being a national poet .
10 A POLICEMAN was yesterday jailed for seven years for raping an 18-year-old woman in his marked patrol car while he was on duty and in uniform .
11 A police sergeant has been suspended amid allegations that he had sex with a woman in his patrol car while he was on duty .
12 William Mullen , who worked with Beattie in the Lanarkshire Steel works , is as convinced today of Geordie 's innocence as he was on the morning the police arrived there to arrest Beattie .
13 Then in 1987 Midland Bank got itself in such a mess that it was on the receiving end of a laughable offer from the Saatchi & Saatchi advertising empire .
14 The anxiety that she was on the point of doing so created a mounting sense of urgency during the 1870s .
15 It was very inadequate at times , especially in winter if you were on point duty .
16 She was doodling in the sand and I was on my tummy watching her .
17 ‘ I would n't ask him for help if I were on a sinking ship and he was the only one with a lifebelt ! ’
18 The conversation ranged widely through wildlife management , the history of the landscape and of hunting and he was on very shaky ground there I can tell you control of pests , he likened a farmer killing a rat with a dog , to the whole panoply of fox hunting .
19 ‘ I have n't been up in winter but I was on the south-west face in 1972 when we finally gave up our attempt in mid-November , and we were only getting a taste of the conditions they will face .
20 ‘ He knew Jeremy seldom roamed far from home unless it was on important business .
21 You know the sunbed you had was it a fast tanner while you was on holiday ?
22 A COMPUTER expert was sacked when he handcuffed himself to his woman boss while she was on the phone to a customer .
23 SOCIAL security bosses axed a man 's benefit while he was on holiday — because they thought Sheffield was ABROAD .
24 Now , now you were saying before your father er was unemployed quite a lot of the time during your childhood erm did he actually get any Unemployment Benefit while he was on the dole ?
25 Her proposal of marriage came as a complete surprise as her boyfriend popped the question while they were on holiday in Spain .
26 She had talked of a sex scene when she was on Wogan , but he assumed it would be something more romantic — a magnolia bud of a tit peeping from beneath bed linen as she held out her arms to her lover and the lights went down at the end of the play .
27 ‘ You looked out of the window when we were on the Concorde .
28 ‘ I used to know a pickpocket when I was on the beat a million years ago .
29 It was late afternoon and they were on their way back , swishing side by side through untouched snow down the last long sweeping run towards Rocamar .
30 So anyway I said , oh well get some change and I was on the point of sa I said to Margaret shall we jump in the ruddy car and we 'll get back .
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