Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] we " in BNC.

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1 Oh yeah all the all the hits er like er Bunch of Time and and Maggie and Old Flames and after all these years , if did n't do those you 'd be shot afterwards like but er what we do with the songs that that were like you know hit singles and that people really come to hear we make sure that you know that we do those and then we put in er you know what we think would be the favourite ones from albums and then we add in a sprinkling of the stuff from the new album so you know we give them a good cross-section for an hour and a half and then we have a good first half of the show as well we 've got first half of the show as well and our band go on with him for forty minutes and er they perform as well a few soloists and er then Tony and myself come on and we do an hour and a half and we go right everything we do on stage we have recorded at some time , we do n't do something that we have n't recorded .
2 To , to make people feel sorry for them and they have no shame at all in breaking limbs and distorting their features and all so that kind to make themselves look as pitiful as they possible can because they 're going to live a life of a beggar and they tell us it 's very profitable being a beggar in some lands , people can make in this country they reckon up to in places like London a hundred pounds a day being a beggar that 's more than you earn a day is n't it ?
3 He was just doing the ‘ Hunky Dory ’ album but we did n't know that , Anyway , we got in touch with The Country Club and they put us on the guest list and Cherry Vanilla , Wayne County and I , posing as journalists , went along to see him .
4 Just to be clear , the , we talked here about er the funding and the , the need not to , to let this muddy the this committee 's own highway programme and I think we we 're aware of that .
5 Good luck to them , I 'm not convinced in my own mind and I mean we 've interviewed these people that there are people internally ready yet , that 's why I said perhaps we should
6 I refused to go in my cell and they put us down the block .
7 ‘ I have played against them twice in the President 's Trophy and they beat us twice fairly and squarely .
8 ‘ But we have been responsible and admitted the difficulties we will face in introducing our programme because we believe we have a real chance . ’
9 The advertising media ( that includes TV , magazines and newspapers , posters and packaging ) use this to good effect when they encourage us to buy certain products .
10 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
11 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
12 I made it clear on a number of occasions over recent years that there was , in retrospect , one change that I wish we had not made at the time , but it was one that was urged on us by right hon. Gentlemen opposite .
13 Because although the hotpots cost a pound er most people er will will buy drinks at the bar and er we 'll make fifty P out of them in the evening at the bar so you know we 'll make five pounds from anybody we sell tickets to from now on .
14 The first benefit that I believe we have gained is a better ability to define what are and are not suitable tasks for the application of AI , in particular expert systems .
15 During a boom we can afford to ignore our little mistakes , but when money is tight we only buy make-up that we know we will use .
16 The only issue that I think we have some er difficulty with in the policy as it stands at the moment , is the uncertainty that arises between the figure provided in policy I five of forty six hectares for the city , and actually our agreed calculation which I think the County Council accept , that site availability in the city is limited to something in the order of thirty three hectares if we exclude er one site which is subject to a dispute between parties er in relation to the greenbelt .
17 Question ten is a very involved question that I think we wo n't look at now .
18 Cheaper money and a plunge in the cost of living are working their way through the system , but the Government 's finances are still in a mess and I think we could inherit a financial deficit of as much as £50bn in 1993-94 .
19 The request will go before their committee and I think we 'll get the Stewart fight first , ’ Maloney said .
20 K : ‘ It is , because we do n't have room for a washing machine and they let us take the laundry to them . ’
21 We need to be innovative and extrovert , looking to the future and the continued enhancement of the Institute and I think we will always be enriched by the direct entrants so long as these continue to be strictly monitored .
22 ‘ We scored an away goal and two at home and I feel we should have done a bit better .
23 Yes a tricky issue but I think we 've got to get to grips with it
24 So we 're developing our independence because we feel we need to .
25 ‘ I 'm worn out with eating , ’ he said , ‘ I want to sit on your lap while you tell us a story .
26 I feel we are acting furtively , hurrying it out of sight , we ca n't talk about it , except for the momentary panic when we think we have included my father 's jacket .
27 " Hoggatt 's does an occasional examination for the defence if they ask us and if the exhibit is packed and submitted in the approved way .
28 They were really bad mistakes on my part and they cost us dear .
29 I think we 'd be er prepared to accept this at , what 's asked for is a feasibility study , no more than that in the first instance and I think we 'd be prepared to accept .
30 With children , the presupposition is that we take the responsibility until they show us that they want it ; with adults we assume that they take the responsibility unless they show us that they do n't .
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