Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] [to-vb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Larger animals with the speed and power to escape are grappled by the hindquarters until the leopard can seize the throat .
2 It has given me great pleasure and pride to have been part of that team . ’
3 To apply these characteristics as the criterion for dismissal or refusal to employ is to apply a gender-based criterion , which the majority of the House of Lords has already held to be unlawful direct discrimination in James v Eastleigh Borough Council [ 1990 ] 2 AC 751 .
4 This capacity — for emotional honesty and willingness to risk being hurt and acceptance of the need to make changes as a result of appropriate feedback — is rare .
5 The expert 's willingness and ability to co-operate is vital to the success of the ES .
6 We will not for the moment consider the suitability of the procedures for bringing complaints of breach of duty to court , though the existence of well-informed plaintiffs with standing and motivation to sue is clearly an essential part of any system of control that is ultimately dependent on judicial sanctions .
7 The tendency for oxidation or reduction to occur is indicated by the redox potential ( Eh ) of the environment .
8 Wives ' earnings from work must be one reason and ignorance or reluctance to apply is another .
9 The will and ability to stand is one of the most basic manifestations of the life-force , almost more basic than an interest in food and water .
10 God 's love and desire to forgive are primary .
11 The partial recovery of the economy after 1983 was to show that some of it was misplaced , and that fears about national ungovernability and inability to adapt were ill-founded .
12 The common response of a rat or mouse to stress is to freeze and become immobile .
13 That the Code is a backcloth against which allegations of misconduct and unfitness to practise are judged .
14 The lift or rise in the example was taken at 50 feet but in this scheme the height of the lift , except for convenience of construction and adaptability to site is relatively immaterial .
15 The Act applies notwithstanding such a choice of law clause if either ( a ) such clause " appears to the court or arbitrator or arbiter to have been imposed wholly or mainly for the purpose of enabling the party imposing it to evade the operation of " the Act or ( b ) one of the parties when making the contract dealt as a consumer , was habitually resident in the UK and " the essential steps necessary for the making of the contract were taken there " .
16 While the presiding officer in charge of a polling station has the right to ask questions of any voter whose identity or capacity to vote is in doubt , no one who attended at the station said they had been challenged .
17 A manager who is held accountable for aspects of performance which he has no power or authority to control is in an impossible position .
18 Another record that would require a Herculean effort by any contender and a large amount of time and money to break is in the underestimated art of domino tumbling .
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